In architecture area this house have one special personality, present a futuristic design as Dupli Casa by J.MAYER H Architects, House is near Ludwigsburg, Germany. The geometry of  the building is based on other house footprint that was located on this place, originally built in 1984. The aspect of Vila is a sophisticated design connection between inside and outside who show as one spectacular views.

In the next photos gallery I will let you to see what amazing futurist design have Dulpi Casa Vila

Function: Private House, near Ludwigsburg, Germany
Site area: 6900 m2
Building area: 569 m2
Total floor area: 1190 m2
Number of floors: 3
Height of the building: 12.2 m

Structure: Ferroconcrete, brick, roof: timber
Principal exterior material: aerated concrete with plaster, glass
Principal interior material: wood panelling, plaster, parquet flooring
Designing period: 02/05 – 06/08
Construction period: 02/06 – 08/08
Fotographer: David Franck


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