The time has come to move home. You’ve enjoyed many years in your current property, making memories with family and friends but now you need more space (or even less space) and a new setting.
A big move requires a lot of organisation – from the actual paperwork that comes with buying a house to packing up your belongings to ensuring everything is organised in time for that all important moving day. If you perhaps need to refine your organisation skills or simply need some tips on how to keep better organised, then this guide can help.
- Ensure everything you own has a place
A big move is the perfect time for a big clear out and to perhaps reconsider your current taste in furniture or decor theme. However, f you have any bulky items such as an exercise bike you never use or a bookshelf that is no longer needed, you may not want to simply throw them out.
A storage unit is a great solution for keeping bulkier items out of the way while you pack up the things you want to take to your new home. You’ll find units in most cities in the UK, with storage in Southampton to the Isle of Skye. Get a quote before you sign up to ensure you have the right size and price for your needs.
- Keep paperwork filed away properly
You’re going to need it to refer to later, so ensure you have a binder or folder you can place all the letters and documentation you receive in to keep it safe. Tuck it away somewhere easy to access so you can add to it regularly.
- Make a list of everyone you need to notify about your new address
From your employer to your dentist, there’s a long list of people who need to know your new home address – including your Great Aunt who sends you a Christmas card. Make a start on this list before the move date, letting them know when you’ll be at this new address and to change the details they hold for you moving forward. Less admin when you arrive at your new home is always a plus!
- Try to get as many timescales in place as possible
Knowing when you need to do things by and when to expect things from other people in the chain can really help when organising that big move. Use your calendar or diary to keep track of when you spoke to your conveyancer or the estate agent and what was said to refer to later if necessary. This timeline from the Money Advice Service is a good starting point and something to refer to as the ball starts rolling.
- Label or colour code boxes
To make it easier when you arrive at your new home, label all the boxes to match the corresponding rooms the items inside relate to. This will make it much easier when trying to work out where everything needs to go and ensures nothing goes missing. If you’re feeling really organised, create an inventory for each box listing what is inside. This means if you’re wondering where the forks are or the spare dummy for your little one, you’ll be able to find it fast.
That big move should be a breeze with these easy to follow tips. Keep them in mind while packing and organising to ensure that relocation goes smoothly.
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