You need to prepare your garden soil with some basic ingredients because your plants will get their nutrients from the soil only. You can prepare your garden soil with fewer amounts of fertilizers and pesticides.
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Good soil is loose and fluffy. Your tree roots can easily derive water and other nutrients from this type of soil. You can use leaves, grass clippings and compost to repaper your soil and you must keep your garden safe from fungus and bacteria. Apart from that, proper pH level should be maintained.
Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are the most essential macronutrients for garden soil. You can find some fertilizers in the market which can provide these nutrients. Apart from that, you need to use some fertilizers in your garden which contains boron, copper, iron manganese and zinc. You cannot use such fertilizers for all types of plants, and you need to use them according to the nature of your garden plants. For example, you can use alkaline acid to maintain the pH level of your soil, but you cannot use it around the roots of your trees.
Tips to prepare your garden soil:
Test Your Soil
Before you prepare your soil with fertilizers, you need to test your garden soil. There are some testing bodies available in your state or city and you can collect soil from your garden to be tested from their scientist. They will give you a report where you can find the details about pH level, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, and nitrogen level of your soil. If you do not want to spend a huge cost for this soil testing, then you can simply buy a soil test kit from online to test your garden soil by yourself.
Add Fertilizers To Maintain Balance
You need to maintain a balance between 6.5 to 6.8 pH levels of your soil. If you find this level higher than your garden soil have some acidic components like, alkaline. In this case, you can apply more fertilizers for your plants, but they cannot absorb the nutrients from the soil. You can use a pH meter to check the pH level of your soil.
Check The Texture Of The Soil
Apart from that, you need to check the texture of your soil. In this stage, you have to measure the macronutrient level of your garden soil. You can hire an expert for this soil testing, and he can test your soil to identify the amount of sand, slit and clay it holds. Once you check the texture of your soil, you need to check the size of slits they have.
Different Types of Garden soils:
If you want to test your soil by yourself then just put your fingers into the garden soil and if you feel gritty then your soil has more amounts of sand. If you feel your soil like powder, then your soil has higher level of slits and if you feel it dry then it must be a heavy clay soil.
Sandy soil has less mount of nutrients and this is the reason that we do not find much greenery on desert. These soils do not have micronutrients and organic ingredients, and you cannot use these soils for your garden.
On the other part, if you garden soils have slits then it cannot drain well, and you cannot use these soils for plantation. They are heavy in nature and they are not suitable for organic garden.
Heavy clay soils tend to be cracked when dry and you cannot find much amount of organic matter in this soil. You can use these soils for your garden, but roots of your small plants cannot penetrate through the hard layers of these soil. In this case, you can use some fertilizers to prepare your garden soil.
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