The importance of proper planning before you lay the foundation stone of your house can’t be understated. For several families, building a house is a dream come true; and they want to make the most of this momentous occasion.

Photo by Maxime Agnelli on Unsplash

The challenge is that most families in Australia build a home once in their lifetime. To ensure you nail the one shot you get at building the structure of your dreams, we’ve listed a few tips.

Let’s start with the most important one.

Plan, Plan & Plan

Before you create a blueprint for the structure, you must know how you’re going to fund the project and where you want to build your house. When you’re selecting a plot, you should look at the structural requirements of the lot and consider the neighbours you’ll live with.

Another factor you must remember is the weather’s impact. Building a house in an area exposed to extreme weather conditions may require different heating and insulation solutions. For instance, a house in a windy area will cool down quicker and may require better heating. This will result in additional costs.

In terms of funding, you also need to consider the purchase cost and the notary fee. Remember, no matter how much you plan, you must remain extra cautious if you’re undertaking a building project.

Photo by Maxime Agnelli on Unsplas

Hire an Inspector

A consultant must inspect every phase of your house’s construction. This will help you rest assured that all of the practices and materials being used meet all the necessary regulations and guidelines.  An inspection at the right time ensures things stay smooth at the following stages:

  • Laying the Foundation: Get the inspector to check foundations, slabs and all the drains, formwork, and drains.
  • Frame: It’s also the inspector’s job to ensure the framing of the house’s walls is straight and level. It’s also essential that the frame matches the dimensions laid out in the building plans. They must also check ceiling height, rooflines, and room dimensions.
  • Lock up: This is the stage when the house can be locked. Meaning doors, gyprock, windows have been installed. At this stage, it is the inspector’s job to check door and window frames, electrical wires, window flashing, mortar, plumbing, and brickwork.
  • Pre-Handover: This inspection checks the paint, doors, window fittings, doors, tiling, and final fittings. This is also when the inspector ensures the building site is clean.
Photo by Naomi Hébert on Unsplas

Think of Ways to Save Money

Building a home in Australia is an expensive process, and as we mentioned above, it’s a lot likely you’ll spend more than what you’ve anticipated. However, that doesn’t mean that you can’t save money during the process!

Shop around your city to look for the best prices on fixtures, fittings, and the materials your builders will use. Get various quotes for the items you’ll need in the construction process. Moreover, you can also save money by choosing a construction site that takes less preparation. Clearing trees, hauling off dirt, and removing rocks can be a costly process. Picking a lot already prepped for construction can save you heaps of cash.

Note for Owner Builders

If you want an effective solution, consider taking on the role of an owner-builder. This means that you’re going to be managing the logistics during the house building process. Don’t worry! You’re not going to need expertise in building, but it will require stellar management skills and a lot of your time.

Photo by Paul Hanaoka on Unsplash

Keep Your Cost Calculations Realistic

Building a house will be the biggest investment they make in their life for most Australians. Usually, it can’t be done without a bank loan when you start considering all the extra building costs. Moreover, one must also consider the price of the plot.

You can get a quick overview of your building project when you have a comprehensive list of building costs. Consider using the table below.

Build cost$_
Loan settlement costs$_
Stamp Duty$_
Finishing costs (15-25% of budget)$_

Ensure You Have a Building Contract

Photo by Kari Shea on Unsplash

The building contract that you sign must consider every aspect. Be it when the construction starts or the regulation of powers, it’s best to use a checklist covering everything. Your checklist will ensure that you’ve considered all the regulations you need to look over before taking on a building project.

The basic rule you need to remember is that verbal agreements are meaningless. Everything must be written and signed by both (or more) parties.

Wrapping Up

While the process may seem overwhelming, proper guidance and research can ensure everything falls into place. Your contract and proper planning will ensure things work out just the way you want them to. If you’re ready to start building your house, consider hiring a builder like Porter Davis Homes.

Good luck!

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