Sure, you can plant a flower garden that is colorful and vibrant, but if you just buy the same plants as everyone else on your block, even a gorgeous garden can be a little bland.
Photo by Pankaj Shah on Unsplash
Fortunately, at Eden Brothers, and other top flower sellers, you can buy seeds for more unique flowers that can make your garden the talk of the neighborhood. Here are some uncommon flowers to add some pizzazz to your outdoor living space.
Blue Night Sky Petunias
Petunias are a staple in many flower gardens, but they usually come in solid colors such as white, purple, and pink, or striped varieties that combine two contrasting colors like pink and yellow or red and white. Blue Night Sky Petunias, though, are entirely different. They have a deep purple background covered with white splotches that look like stars on a dark cloudless night. They truly resemble mini galaxies and are simply stunning.
Dwarf Powder Puff Plant
Want a strange looking plant that looks like a fiber optics lamp? The Dwarf Powder Puff Plant is for you. It grows well in a subtropical environment because it likes a lot of humidity, but if you have the right climate, this three-foot-tall shrub that comes in neon pink and grows upward in long, thin strands. These lightly scented flowers also attract hummingbirds and butterflies, so you’ll have even more to observe if you plant these beauties in your garden.
Clear Crystals Black Pansies
Colorful gardens are what first springs to mind when you think of flowers, but Clear Crystals Black Pansies throw that image into question. These velvety-black flowers are elegant and formal-looking. Their center pistils are yellow or pink and stand out against the black background like jewels. Even if you do have a garden that’s full of color, these classic pansies make a fantastic border.
Showy Milkweed
A wildflower by nature, the Showy Milkweed is the fancier cousin of the Common Milkweed, a plant that’s well-known for attracting butterflies. The Showy Milkweed produces flowers that look like they are spikes, but are actually very delicate horn-shaped petals. Each flower has five petals that are arranged in the shape of a star and come in colors like pink, white, and purple, with various shades in between.
Passion Flower
This incredible flower is not only beautiful, but it also smells nice and, in the right environment, produces a delicious edible fruit. Your Passion Flowers will probably not bear fruit, but their otherworldly petals make it a wondrous addition to any garden. Their stringy pistils look alien against their flat petal base, and because they only bloom for a short while, they are something gardeners eagerly await to appear in their garden each year.
Globe Thistle Butterfly Flowers
If you’ve ever seen the flower in the Dr. Seuss classic, “Horton Hears a Who,” you’ll recognize these spherical flowers. Technically, these plants are thistles, but their unique shape adds a dimension to your garden you can’t get with many other flowers. And, as the name suggests, your garden will be a haven for butterflies as well.
Don’t plant just any old garden this year. Consider adding some of these unique flowers and make a splash with your landscaping.
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