A pool is a lifetime investment. So, you must do all you can to maintain it properly. Otherwise, it will degrade. Without proper maintenance, you will be inviting to things like bacteria and algae. So, if these are the things you don’t want, consider employing the following powerful tips.

Skin and Scrub
Want that pristine pool? Well, consider making skimming as well as scrubbing part of your daily routine. With skimming, you can do away with debris. Plus, if you afford some money, consider purchasing an authentic robotic vacuum. Get the RexGarden Dolphin M400 robotic cleaner and make your pool fresh again. With a robotic vacuum cleaner, you can clean the bottom of that pool of yours. However, for stubborn spots, consider using chlorine to scrub them.

Work on the Filters
Consider changing the filters. Filters, just like your lungs, are responsible for discharging impurities from the pool water. So, proper maintenance is important. With maintenance, you get rid of things like dirt, leaves, as well as small toys.
Chemical Levels
Pool maintenance is all about good chemicals. Thus, the level of chemicals in pools is important. So, if you want to take your pool maintenance to another new level, think about getting it right with the chemical levels. For instance, if the chemicals are improperly balanced, it will make your pool look murky. Plus, it will irritate the skin and eye. Even worse, it can bread bacteria in the pool. Normally, water in your pool should be tested at least once every seven days. Test the PH. The CBD (an abbreviation for Center for Disease Control) recommends considering the following 6 chemical levels:
Cyanuric Acid – Cyanuric acid is used to protect chlorine from things like excessive sunlight. It also helps set the recommended level of free chlorine. Normally, an outdoor pool should have a reading of between 30 and 50.
Free chlorine – Free chlorine is a sanitizer that helps keep germs away from your pool. It also makes the water safe and clean.

Acidity/alkalinity – The PH is an important component when it comes to pool maintenance. Thus, you should ensure that the acidity of your pool water is kept at around 7.5 and 7.8. This is aimed at preventing irritation and protecting the erosion of pool equipment.
Total alkalinity –With total alkalinity, you have the power to keep the water’s PH in balance. So, ensure the total alkalinity level is maintained at 60 to 120.
Calcium hardness – Another important parameter when it comes to pool maintenance is the calcium hardness. Ideally, it should range from 220 to 350.

Use Baking Soda in Place of Chemicals
Instead of using chemicals, you can resort to baking soda to control your pool’s alkalinity without affecting the PH. Alternatively, you can use regular baking soda. It works perfectly when it comes to controlling the alkalinity of the water. It’s important to note that all soda boxes contain sodium bicarbonate—a key ingredient for controlling alkalinity.

The Bottom-Line
The above pool maintenance tips will help keep your pool sparkling clean. From working on the filters to using baking soda instead of chemicals—these tips have been tested. Use them and leave your pool sparkling clean.