RATP Formation Centre is located in Porte de la Villette, Paris and it was designed by the French architects Stephane Maupin and Nicolas Hugon. Its original design building that looks like a ship docked in Paris draws attention, especially on a sit area where the urban fabric dissolves into heterogeneous industrial infrastructures. The five-storey building is dedicated to rail and subway employees, regrouping workshops dedicated to the maintenance of the Parisian subway transportation system that were previously dispersed in different places. On the roof top has three helicopter-like blades that doesn’t seem as elegant as the rest of the building and pushes the building toward a different narrative. But it’s role is more a functional choice than aesthetic, because it has street lights and solar panels inside. The projects features a combination of circular and rectangular windows that create a playful façade. RATP Formation Centre has a great presence and narrative about it. Interesting design that fulfills its purpose nicely.

Photos: © Cécile Septet.

Project details:

Architects: Stephane Maupin / Nicolas Hugon
Collaborators: Jérome Santel, Gwenael Lechapelain
Year: 2010
Area: Paris

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