Search Results for: style

The Walt Disney Concert Hall -amazing architecture in Los Angeles

The Walt Disney Concert Hall -amazing architecture in Los Angeles

The Walt Disney Concert Hall is the famous building to Los Angeles Philharmonic, at 111 South Grand Avenue in Downtown Los Angeles. The project was launched in 1992, when Lillian Disney, widow of Walt Disney, donated $50 million, completing around 2003-2004 A innovation structure, the architecture is so splendid, with remarkable visual look.

Spectacular trends villas architecture for your dreams house

Spectacular trends villas architecture for your dreams house

In my searching on the net I found some wonderful architecture of villas that I want it to share with you guys. Each villa has a distinctive design. If you want to choose an unique architecture for your home is good to see last trends in home architecture design with unique personality in modern catalog…

World- class luxury villa, Casa Son Vida by Tec architecture

World- class luxury villa, Casa Son Vida by Tec architecture

If you search the complete idea for building your home, Casa Son Vida offers a distinct architecture style composed of featuring exterior design and unforgettable interior design in relation to the last trend architecture area. Created by architects Tec architecture, Casa Son Vida is the most luxuriant home that can inspire everyone. The geometric shape,…