When you’re willing to try your hand at woodwork and you can’t find the necessary tools to get started, you’re at the right place.

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We’ll be sharing the tools you need to get started with woodwork.

The formation of wooden things starts from a piece of rough wood. It needs cutting, polishing, and other processes to make it a thing that actually means something. Whether you’re a newbie in this sector or a pro, you need the essential tools to get your job done properly. So, what tools you need to perform the action?

Here are those:

Power saws

Saws are a must when it’s wood because you need to go through a lot of cutting processes. There are different kinds of saws available on the market right now. The most common types of saws are power saw and hand saw. Power saws come up in different forms and options.

Circular saw

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This is the most popular and most common saw that every woodworker needs. It’s corded and runs with electricity. It’s a powerful round blade that has sharp teeth and those teeth tear through the wood to give it a shape. Circular saws come up with different power settings and options. This saw is suitable for beginners.


Zosma, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

They’re totally different than circular saws though both of them run with electricity. They make intricate cuts. Those cuts can be straight or curved with precision. This one is another must-have tool for a woodworker.

Compound miter saw

Image by fabiol from Pixabay

This type of saws is a bit versatile than circular saws. They come up with different options and dust collectors. The blade size of this saw is 10-12 inches. This type is pretty portable and can be installed anywhere. They come up battery powered as well.

Table saw

Image by annawaldl from Pixabay

Table saws are designed upside down and the cutting system of this saw is pretty different than other saw types. You can adjust the blade depth and angles with this type of saw.

Band saw

Imagine de gefrorene_wand de la Pixabay

This one is basically a combination of the circular saw and a saber saw. It’s not a must-have tool but keeping this with you is better.

Hand saw

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The most analog and ancient system is a hand saw. No power attached to it and you cut your wood with this saw using your manpower.


Imagine de Florian Pfenning de la Pixabay

Planes are designed to shave your wood off. They come up with fixed blades. There are different types of planes. Jack planes, block planes, joining planes, rabbet planes, scrapper planes, etc. are the type of planes.


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From the ancient era, the hammer is a part of the woodworker’s regular life. There are different types of hammers.

Screw gun

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This is an essential tool as you’ll be combining and connecting different pieces with screws. A screw gun makes this task easier.

Tape measure

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A tape measure is a must when you’re working with wood and you require precision.


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To make holes with convenience, you need drills. Power drills are a good option in this case as they’ll be operating with a power source.


Luke Milburn, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

To give your wood a smooth shape, there’s no better tool than a file. You can get a hand file and work with that easily.

Other tools

Other necessary tools for a woodworker are

  • Sanders
  • Mallet
  • Square
  • Workbench
  • Sawhorses


So, here are the tools that you need when you’re starting with woodwork. You must grab these to get the most out of your piece of wood whether it’s soft or harsh. Besides, you need to achieve the skills of a woodworker.

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