The Steinhart Aquarium in San Francisco presents the diversity of life on earth and the various habitats they provide. This project presents a comprehensive view of the connection between water and form of life that makes this planet unique. The centerpiece of the Steinhart Aquarium is The Water Planet, is an exhibition of 10000 square meters which includes new modes of exhibition design and modern technology. Exposed space is remarkable seamless integration of live animals and a strong classification in multimedia, in order to bring visitors face to face with complex natural events.

Water Planet sets new benchmarks for  visual public, conceptual and full of creativity for designers of aquariums, but in the same tine a unique experience for lovers of the world water to form walls obtained artificial. For fluid and interactive islands, Thinc, leading exhibition designer for the aquarium as a whole , contacted the Urban A & O, which has skills and vision to created the unique forms using CATIA, parametric modeling software that allows an accurate control in design and manufacturing.
The designers has created the environment that manages perfectly interaction with media systems but also enabling the public to approach to visualize the 39 tanks of living organisms, three islands rich with media that exhibits intercativitate life forms that live in such a climate .
Walls and exposed islands Planet Water, water art reflected through the form
Experienced hands-on tactile interaction with real specimens, such as dry coral and teeth of sharks, with interactive media that contextualize the objects and provide interesting meetings with water bodies and  living creatures.

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