In today’s world, so many aspects of our lives have been made easier with apps — and interior design is no exception. There are countless apps available that will help you with various aspects of giving your home a makeover, and some are better than others. So, once you’ve got comfy with your mobile phone or booted up your shiny new tablet, here are some of the best apps that you can download to your device to help out with interior design…

When it comes to the perfect starting point for your interior design journey, Pinterest is the app to head for. Out of all the social media, Pinterest is the one best suited to those looking for creative inspiration, as it provides an easy way to gather together images relating to a wide range of different topics — including interior design. When you find an image that captures your imagination, Pinterest makes it easy for you to locate other, similar images that will really get your creative juices going! Download the app, and all of this will be available on your mobile device — and given how widely-used the app is, you should be able to count on it working on a wide variety of devices, from Apple to Samsung.

Dulux Visualizer
If you are thinking of giving your home a new lick of paint, Dulux Visualizer will give you an idea of what it will look like, and also help you to choose a colour.

The app uses your device’s camera to show you a vision of your home with the colour of the surfaces altered; you can choose from a wide variety of colours and apply them to many different surfaces, and even order paint testers to be delivered to your home. It is compatible with iOS and Android devices such as Samsung tablets, but be warned that certain devices will struggle with the motion-sensor technology that the app runs on.
Smart Draw
SmartDraw is a useful app for floor planning. Using it, you will be able to build a virtual house in 3D, customising the size, shape and number of rooms and filling them with items of furniture drawn from a vast library of different assets. You will need to pay for the app once the free seven-day trial has expired, but if you have saved money on your phone with SIM only deals, then the additional fee to own SmartDraw should not be too much of a drawback.

Every interior designer will know the value of hanging a few choice pieces of art around the home, but they will also know the potential downsides of choosing the wrong piece of art: a painting or design that does not fit the overall mood of the room can ruin it, and buying the wrong sized frame for your art can be even worse. Thankfully, iArtView is here to help. With this app, you can take a photo of your room and digitally add a painting of your choice (you can import images from elsewhere). The app will give you precise measurements, allowing you to find out exactly how much space you will need, how big the frame should be, and where the holes will need to be drilled.

Finding a professional to help out with your interior design can be a chore, but it is a job made easier with Havenly. This app functions as a social network designed to link designers with potential customers: you upload a photograph of the room you would like to be altered, choose from a list of professional designers, and have a one-on-one conversation with them to make sure that they are the right people for the job.