People are moving from texting to visuals. Even the President of the U.S. is a more active Instagram user these days than any other President ever. Visual products are more memorable, easy to grasp, and more engaging than texts or images. Videos are more communicative and they trigger high emotional intensity in viewers.
Image by Jan Alexander from Pixabay
TV advertisements were huge once, but now the TV market is disappearing. Then where is all this visual marketing content going? YouTube! YouTube is the biggest video sharing social media platform out there. With a total monthly active users of 2 billion and a total number of daily active users of 30 million. It is the second most visited website in the world after Google. There is no better visual media platform than YouTube since it allows you to easily reach your audience.
If you are a beginner entrepreneur with a limited budget, you can’t market your product on every social media platform.

So, you should decide on your social media platforms.
And define the audience you want to attract.
To do that, you should first identify how your potential consumers would like to receive information about your product, which will help you strategize the wrapping of your product and help you in choosing the relevant social media platform.
Learn More About Your Audience
Diving deep into your audience’s interests might turn out successful for your brand. Learn more about what kind of content your audience watched in the past with the help of analytics. This way you will create more targeted content, which is a guarantee of success. You might look into the ways your consumers search for your product, this will be another helpful tip in defining your marketing strategy and offering consumers more relevant content.
Your video will appear on Google

Have you noticed that YouTube videos are often appearing in google searches? Well, YouTube is owned by Google, but that’s not the only reason. If you have a website for your product, you can start creating complementary videos for it and backlink them to your site. Backlinked videos will contribute to increasing your rankings in google search. So, YouTube can make your product more authoritative and google will spot it too. Writing engaging titles and investing time in finding relevant keywords will also be beneficial. YouTube ranks videos in its search results by relevance and popularity of the title, so research how your audience searches for certain content and what keywords they are using for it.
YouTube As a Main Video Sharing Platform
You might choose YouTube as your main advertising platform but do not forget about other platforms.

You can share links of your original videos on other social media platforms with the caption of a few words. YouTube videos can easily be shared, and this way you can also draw viewers from multiple platforms to your original content. But the best way to increase the number of viewers and subscribers on your channel, especially if you are a beginner entrepreneur, is by buying YouTube subscribers with YoutubeStorm. With the service of YoutubeStorm, the rankings of your videos will also increase dramatically.
Social media can be very stressful for content creators because of the haters. But you can use open access to viewers’ opinions for your benefit. If you invest in comments under your video, you can find out more about what kind of content your audience asks for and explore new ideas about the next steps in developing your marketing strategy.
You can also consider other social media platforms for marketing:
Facebook Videos

Marketers find overwhelming success on Facebook with 100 million hours of video watched there daily. Since Facebook is not only a video platform like YouTube, video content creators should be more careful there. For example, you should take into consideration that short videos are easier to watch on Facebook than long ones. Also, most people watch videos with the sound off, so the content should be more visually engaging and telling. So, you might consider including more graphics in it. If you worry about the type of consumers you address, then you are safe with Facebook because 74% of Facebook users are college graduates earning $75,000 per year.

Instagram’s uniquely seductive visual content and limited textual material make it one of the favorite spots for marketers. Instagram’s amazing feature of stories can make consumers feel like being in the backstage of production. Especially with Instagram live stories, the sense of being part of the production team can get as real as possible. However, while deciding to use Instagram take into consideration that Instagram users are much younger, with fewer college degrees and not so high incomes.

Snapchat offers its consumers more playful and humorous content than any other social media. The fact that Snapchat stories vanish in 24 hours draws consumers to go back to the app often throughout the day. Which is something big brands love about it. Just like YouTube videos, if you backlink your blog posts or website content to Snapchat stories, it might be more interesting for viewers. It will also contribute to increasing traffic on your websites if the viewers decide to learn more about your product.

Videos have 10 times more engagement on Twitter than tweets without videos. Videos might be particularly outstanding content in the heavily textual twitter. However, to improve engagement on Twitter videos you might consider adding texts and feature people in your videos since viewers are 133% more likely to watch content with people in it. Twitter is also famous for hashtags; you can integrate them in tweets so your videos can be associated with a wider context drawing more viewers to your tweets.
Visual entertainment can be perfectly blended with marketing strategy. Take this into account when building your brand. Among the various social media platforms, you should choose the one that fits your audience’s interest and the character of your content. To increase the popularity of your brand you can also collaborate with experts in the field and check your competitors’ channels. This will further help to improve your marketing strategy.