Painting is something that takes a lifetime to master.
Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich from Pexels
It looks simple enough, but there are many nuisances that can only be mastered by learning and practicing. There are ways to speed up the process, create more masterful work, and even save money doing it. Below you’ll find seven tips that will help you on your journey to being a better painter.
7. Use Q-tips
Mistakes are going to happen. There’s no way to not mess up every now and then, no matter who you are. Q-tips are great for small mistakes. They are small and soft enough to remove paint from a small area. They’re cheap, practical, and are always handy to have around.

6. Hair Dryers will Remove Painter’s Tape
Painter’s tape is generally easy to remove; however, every now and then, you’ll have a piece of tape that absolutely refuses to come off cleanly. This is when a hair dryer comes in handy. The heat will melt the glue and make it easy to rub off any excess tape. There’s nothing worse than not being able to remove a piece of painter’s tape. Other methods can mean chipping your freshly coated walls.
5. Only Roll a Single Time
Sometimes it can’t be helped – you’ll have to re-roll the same portion of a wall. However, it’s actually best to cover an entire space in a single roll. Go from the bottom of the floor to the top of the floor in a single roll. This will stop lap marks and reduce paint running. It’s also equally important to keep the roller wet. Dry wall primers also reduce the chance of lap marks and paint flashing.

4. Mix Your Gallon Jugs into a Bigger Bucket
Believe it or not, paint color can vary from can to can. This means you could have mismatched whiles even though you used the same brand and color. An easy way to get around this is by mixing all of your one-gallon containers into a bigger bucket. Mix them all together and you’ll have one consistent color on all your walls.
3. Always Prime Patches
Painting over a patch usually means you’ll still be able to see the patch work under the new layer of paint. This makes it important to sand down the patch as much as possible, but you also need to prime the patch. Even if the color is consistent, you’ll be able to see where the patch is if you don’t prime and texture the patch.

2. Store Your Paint Correctly
You will often have paint leftover after your initial job. It’s important to store this paint correctly so you can use it again when needed. Paint is sensitive to both extreme cold and extreme heat. Both will completely ruin your paint. It’s important to keep them away from moisture too. The gallon buckets that pain comes in are very susceptible to rust.

1. Consult a Professional for Tricky Jobs
There’s no shame in consulting a professional painter in San Luis Obispo. They can provide advice for your job, and they can even help you get the job done right themselves. Borlodan Painting Company handles dozens of paint job each year. They are well-versed in both indoor and outdoor jobs, and they have the experience needed to provide you with professional advice and work. Borlodan is the preferred painting company around because they negotiate prices with each customer. They don’t have one flat rate because they know that not all jobs are created equal. They work with their customers to provide a unique experience.
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