There has been an increase in the demand for block tables for homes, restaurants, and even offices. This wave might catch up to you too, and you cannot afford to be left behind.
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The tables make a space look sleek and stylish by creating a natural countryside look. In kitchens, they are both functional and statement pieces. However, before you go ahead and purchase the table, there are a few things you need to know about them.
1) The Tables are Made from Wood
Block tables are mostly made from hard maple wood due to their ability to withstand all kitchen activities. However, some are also made from other wood and lumber types, depending on their prices and availability. The wood on these butcher block tables is infused together using glue and clamped together for stability. Additional pieces to make legs can be made from metal or plastic.
2) Can be Custom Made
When looking for a block table, it is not easy to find your exact fit for your space. You are forced to either take a small one and have space left or a large one from pre-made options, and you chop some bits off. You can get yours custom-made for your exact space and design by providing workshop owners with your required measurements. With many wood options out there, it is also possible to choose the material. However, consult the experts to avoid using wood that can transfer its smell to food.
3) They need Care to Last Longer
Just because the wood is clamped and looks like a slab does not mean it is not wood. The block needs care just like any other wooden piece. Avoid exposing the wood to heat as this might burn it and burn your house along with it. Also, avoid water as it can seep in and form mold. In areas where you cannot avoid water, consider sealing the wood using wax or any other FDA-approved sealing products. Some blocks are left untreated to work as both a table and a cutting space but consider using a cutting board if you can help it. This helps reduce scratches and dents.
4) Cleaning
Block tables are as sensitive as granite and marble and should be treated as such. When cleaning, use a soft cleaning fabric to avoid scratching it. Avoid bleaches at all costs since they mess with the wood. Wipes spill as soon as they occur to avoid staining the surface. When stained, use lemon or baking soda to remove them or a mild stain remover. Do not scratch as you clean to avoid more dents. Once a year, sand the surface to smoothen it and create uniformity. You can also oil the wood to nourish it by replenishing its oils and enhance its look.
5) Can be Built as a DIY Project
Wood is not only stylish; it is also expensive, making it an unattainable dream for many. When you do not want to give up on your dream, you can make your own table for a fraction of the price. You can buy cheap material from dollar stores and assemble them to make your table. Additionally, you can use reclaimed material to bring the costs lower. Refurbishing old tables is also an option, and you can purchase them from flea markets or garage sales from those getting rid of them.
6) Can be Multifunctional
This type of table can be used for more than one function. They can be used as tables in the kitchen or as an island. If they come with wheels, they can be used as a food cart around the house during parties or for outdoor meals. Additionally, they can be used as cutting boards. For them to be used as cutting boards, the wood must be left naked. The thick wood gives the table more shelf life despite going through wear and tear.
7) Can Pose a Great Health Risk
Cleaning wood might be a good way to keep germs away, but it does not always work. Cracks and cuts are likely to harbor bacteria, and these might lead to infections. They can also have foods stuck, and its decomposition can be the source of severe infections once it comes in contact with food. Treated wood can also pose a health risk if the chemicals used are not directly or indirectly approved for food contact. Additionally, as part of the treatment process, you can oil your board using a range of oils such as coconut, walnut, and tung oil. However, some oils can cause severe allergic reactions posing a health problem. Before using the oil, check the ingredients.
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