In 2009, a new woods pavilion for the Hakone Open-Air Museum was created. Being the first open-air Japanese museum opened in 1969, Hakone has many contemporary sculpture works, expozitional pavilions and different relaxing areas. Woods of Net is a permanent pavilion designed by Tezuka Architects to celebrate 40 years since the museum exists.

The structure looks like a dome and houses the artist Toshiko Horiuchi Macadam’s interesting work – a network of nylon fibers knitted entirely by hands for children where they can climb, jump or play. This artwork which represents a multicolored, delicate and transparent canvas is suspended inside the project, creates a unconventional playground for children. Having 528 m2 total floor area and being composed of  589 timbers pieces with different shapes without any metal piece, this pavilion was designed using a sophisticated structural calculation combined with the traditional construction methods of old Japanese woods temples. So, the result is a special place that attracts many people every year.



photos:Katsuhisa Kida / FOTOTECA

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