If you have already filled the inside of your home with various pallet-related projects, why not make your way to the great outdoors? Your yard is looking a little bare and in need of pallet decor.

Photo by Lauren Mancke on Unsplash

While you may not want to use pallets to repair your roof–you should leave that to a professional by hiring a roofing contractor–there are still plenty of ways to recycle old pallets for outside purposes.

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1. Build A Picnic Table

Nothing brings the family together for a barbeque like a good old-fashioned picnic table. Learn how to tear a pallet apart and put it back together again in the form of a table meant for picnicking; a picnic table, if you will. Their classic design will add a bit of comfort to your backyard and provide friends and family with a spot to plop down and chew on some grub during the spring and summer months.

2. Cornhole Boards

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Speaking of friends and family, you’ll need some entertainment if you decide to host a barbeque. Creating a cornhole board is the perfect outdoor project to get the party popping! This is an easy build that shouldn’t take long if you’re looking for something quick, plus the kids will love it and you can paint it however you like! Red, blue, polka-dot, ghost-flames, a big butterfly; the sky’s the limit.

3. Adirondack Patio Chairs

Sure, you could go to the store and buy some cheap folding chairs, or even buy a set of nice Adirondack chairs to throw on your patio, but there’s something special about taking the time and effort to build your own. Make one, make two, make one for every member of the family; these comfortable chairs are great for lounging outside and enjoying the sunshine. 

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4. Birdhouse

An avid bird watcher? You might be soon once you build a birdhouse for your front lawn. Maybe you made one back in shop class and didn’t think much of it, but birdhouses are actually a great starter project. They can be complex or simple in design, depending on how confident you are in your abilities. Look up some styles that others have made to get some inspiration, buy some birdseed, and start building. You’ll have cardinals and bluejays flocking to snack in no time. 

5. Storage Locker

Photo by Sanibell BV on Unsplash

A practical option for builders, a storage locker is a great addition to your backyard. If your garage is full of cars and you’re stumbling through the shed to get to your hedge clippers that are hidden behind the mower, a storage locker will feel like a breath of fresh air. They’re thin, stylish, and hold all your outdoor tools in an easily accessible “outdoor closet.” Build yourself a storage locker and stop tripping over all your junk.

Final Thoughts

If you’re looking for a pallet project and don’t know what to make, these are all great places to start. Pallets are a great material for building and these outdoor ideas can really bring out your creativity. If these don’t quite scratch your building itch, that’s okay! There are plenty of other options to explore; you’ve just got to find the right one.

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