Organizing and Arranging things on any front, be it in your home, office, or in your own head is something which we all, always run away from. Funny is, the more we shrug off these little tasks, the more they start to bother us and finally we are left with a huge to-do list in our hands!

The real pain, however, lies in the fact when after that tiring long day at work, you come home to a messed up house where you can’t even find your night-suit in the right place! And if you have recently shifted to a new house, it is totally understandable how difficult it is for you to “Set-up” the new place. Here are 7 Clever Hacks to do up your new house effortlessly and efficiently.

1)    Remove, Reuse, And Recycle: Out of all your old stuff from the previous house, segregate things which need to be removed, may be reused or can be recycled. This would not only give you a better clarity of what to keep and what to discard, but also utilize the previous resources and investments made in the form of furniture etc. in setting up your new place. A good way to save and invest in your future requirements!

2)       Planning & Preparation: The must do a thing when it comes to organizing your new home is a well pre-planned schedule and arrangement to get your goods moved safely and effectively. It would be a good idea to hire a good Moving Company for hassle-free transportation and shifting. So do your pre-search before house hunt!

3)       Utilizing empty spaces:

For cabinets, desks, shelves, and other storage spaces, using organizers lets you maximize your space to create more working area and get rid of clutter for a more conducive atmosphere to relax or work. Paper trays, magazine holders, file organizers, and the like also allow you to classify items properly so they are easy to find when you need them. 

It does not matter if your new house is not bigger than the old one or has lesser cupboards and drawers. Storage spaces can be created in creative ways, like creating a segment for piling up boxes with things you do not require daily, surrounded by your travel suitcases, or creating rack like structures on that old table to keep your books separate. Look for ways in which space can be created around

4)       Permanent over Temporary: It happens so that after shifting, you do not feel like unpacking and arranging things right away. You might take the easy way out by organizing everything “for now” and think to yourself of completing the rest on the weekend. But that weekend never comes! Instead, it adds on to your burden and to do lists when you actually forget where you had kept what! So it is better to go slow and take time but arrange things as in a permanent setup.

5)       Best out of waste approach:  Look around for old materials, craft items etc and experiment with them to create beautiful decorative items like wall hangings, showpieces, holders which would not only save your money for the new space but also enhance the aura of your house and obviously your creativity!

6)       Renting over buying: With innumerable options available today when it comes to renting out stuff, customers have a wide variety of choices to select things from as per their preferences. Renting out furniture or electronics not only is an economical option but also hassle-free when it comes to maintenance but also gives you the flexibility to replace stuff if you are someone who easily gets bored with same setups of the house.

7)       Re-fabric and rejuvenate: Another great way to experiment with designing and décor of your new place is by re-using good old fabrics in different ways. Like making microwave or washing machine covers out of those old curtains or making bedcovers out of mixed old fabric to give a funky look to your old furniture and what not. It is always amazing to add that artistic touch to your house!

Final Words

Overall, these are a few ways which can help you in organizing your house in an efficient and cost-effective manner. Besides these experiments, as you go ahead with DIYs you will surely find a lot more clever hacks to make your house a new home! And as they say, as organized the home is, as organized is your mind, and so is your life!

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