3 Signs You Have a Rodent Infestation

From the common house mouse to larger rats of all shapes and sizes, there are many species of rodents that could invade your home. While infestations are more common in...

Essay: Architecture vs Interior Design

What is the actual difference between architecture and interior design? Many people feel that this difference exists, however they cannot express it with their own words. When people think about...


People who live in standard apartments are well aware how little of space was spared for bathrooms. They can feel lucky if bathtub, sink and toilet bowl fits it. But...

Tech Your Home to a Whole New Level

Modern interior design is more than knowing which colours are on-trend and what furniture to place where; it is about convenience and style, and integrating everything from online gaming to...

Basic Woodworking Tools

If you want to get into woodworking, there are a number of tools you will want to have on hand. Basic woodworking tools are different from beginner tools. If you...