French architect and designer residing in Tokyo, Emmanuelle Moureaux, replaces the traditional bank design with a new concept inspired by Japanese traditional sliding screens using colors as three-dimensional elements in order to create spaces. Judging by the joyful exterior appearance of this wonderful piece of architecture one would never think that this building will host a bank. But yes, surprisingly the building in Tokyo host a credit union -Sugamo Shinkin Bank- whose motto is: “we take pleasure in serving happy customers”

Bright colors, light infusion, modern design are the main elements Emmanuelle Moureaux‘s project relies on. Visitors are welcomed with a fresh and clean exterior and interior design which reflects the architect unique technique of colour scheming and handling colors as space makers. She uses colors to create spaces, not as a finishing touch applied on surfaces. The eye-catching exterior facade displays a rainbow of twelve saturated colors which reflected onto the white surface give a gentle, refreshing feeling. During the night, the beautiful colors stand out even more because they are illuminated.

The bank interior spaces offers other pleasant surprises visually speaking, where the main attraction is the game of light and color. The arrangement of the bank design features decorative elements that connect all areas of the bank in a single continuous space maximizing natural light throughout the day. The dandelion puff motifs that float on the ceiling and the 14 different colors of chairscreates a playful atmosphere inside Sugamo Shinkin Bank. The second floor hosts storey houses offices, meeting rooms and a cafeteria, while the third floor is reserved for the staff changing rooms. Here you have some photos to enjoy!

Photos: Nacasa & Partners.

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