Whenever you decide to live with someone, it means there will be sacrifices. Your decisions will always affect the other person. For that reason, you must include your partner in everything you plan.
Well, sometimes your opinion on different subjects may conflict. Home design and decoration is one major issue that results in most couple’s fights. It becomes more challenging when choosing a color, furniture, or even wall decors.

Therefore, decisions on home designing and decoration should be wisely discussed and concluded to ensure a peaceful life. You shouldn’t expect happiness from someone who wakes up from bed in a house design that he or she didn’t approve of.
1. Budget
The first thing that will always bring up conflict is cost. Therefore, it is vital to set a budget even before you start designs and decorations. Analysis ensures there is no omission of essential factors such as installation and movement costs.

Always consider shopping for home improvement equipment together. Also, find stores that favor your budget. For instance, Home Depot offers discounted home improvements to members of the National REIA. If you are in the real estate business, this is a great benefit of joining your local Real Estate Investors Association. That way, it can help with the budget. A reasonable budget can help curb disagreements on home designs and decorations.
2. Don’t Make Your Opinion a Demand
Whenever you have different opinions on home design and décor, it is essential not to make your words final. The reason you’re differing is that you don’t see the layout from your partner’s perspective. Therefore, try as much as possible to make your spouse see the design from your angle.

If you insist on your choice without efforts to explain your mind, your spouse will assume that you don’t value their idea and will probably be against you. When giving your opinion, some emotions might pull your partner to compromise.
Make your spouse feel the reason you want that design or furniture. Maybe you sat on such a sofa at your friend’s house and liked how it was comfortable and relaxing. Instead of demanding such a couch, make your partner feel the need to experience that couch.

3. Communication
Usually, the best way to end or avoid any conflicts in a relationship is by talking. Always chat about how you want your home or house to look—table all your opinions in a chatty tone and most comfortable way. In case your spouse doesn’t agree with your opinion, don’t insist. Instead, save it for another round.
The more you express your taste, needs, wish list, visions, or even priorities, the more your spouse understands your design style, taste in color, and even a way to make you happy. Your partner will be excited to be part of making those dreams a reality.
You must note that the way you table your opinions plays a much more significant role than the idea. Therefore, respectful comfortable communication is the key to conflict-less decisions.
4. Mixing Styles
Since you’re born in separate environments, your lifestyles will always be very different. Living together calls for the willingness of each person to drop some of their styles to mix in the other person’s choice. Blending different styles in design would help.
Shared places in the house, like the living room, should reflect each of you. These are places that you spend the most time together.
In a situation where a sofa is in question, the lady may be going for a pink fabric couch while the man is up for white leather furniture. They may opt that the man decides on the material while the wife chooses the color.

5. Willingness to Compromise
When it becomes so hard to solve it, you should both be willing to compromise. That means that one person has a higher say in one area as the other has more say in the other. Learning to compromise is one part of the relationship, and home design is not left out.
You may decide that the wife has 60% say in the kitchen designs and décor while the man takes 40%. On the other hand, the man may have a 60% vote in the library designs while the lady takes 40%. Most couples agree that the one partner usually concentrates on interior design styles while the other focuses on the exterior design.