Hidemi Nishida is a Sapporo-based artist, one exceptional designer,Japanese artist and designer has completed the “Fragile Shelter” who is one of he works of “Shelter series”  a temporally winter structure who is located in the forest in sapporo, Japan.This design structure have a great color and permeability altered by the weather and time of day. the materials components is wood, plastic screen, have a 20 square meter interior designed by the team construction:Hidemi Nishida, Genki Fujita, Akira Nagase.Is composed a six identical but slightly offset form, and is in the center of nature, who give the sensation to live a unique experience when you are in this house.

This is a reconfirmation of beginning of the “house”.
Fragile Shelter Sapporo – Building Information
Location : Geijutsu-no-mori 1, Minami-ku, Sapporo 005-0864, Hokkaido, Japan
Design: Hidemi Nishida
Size: 20 square meter interior
Materials: wood, plastic screen
Construction time: Oct-Dec, 2010
Construction team: Hidemi Nishida, Genki Fujita, Akira Nagase
Photographs: Anna Nagai

sources:e-architect, designboom

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