City life is great and it has many positive effects on your life. First of all, you have the comfort that cannot be compared with the life people living in the country have. In the city, you do not have to grow a garden or worry about getting wood for winter. Also, the city offers numerous facilities and amenities and children can also attend numerous sports and educational activities. However, the city does not have land, meaning that in most cities you cannot have your own vegetables and fruit. While some people will still find these features of the city positive, more and more people return to the land and they want to have their own patch on which they can make and nurture their own garden. But is does require a lot of effort and you have to learn a lot of tricks, especially in fall, when you can enjoy all the fruits of you garden (thus your natural mall), but also feed the soil and nurture it for the next season.

All images courtesy of Landscape Design SydneyGarden3

Clean old remains

No matter if we are talking about a decorative plant garden, or a vegetable country garden, the soil needs to be cleaned and treated in fall, so as to give it a break during winter and prepare it for new sowing season in spring. The first thing you should do is remain all of the old remains in the garden. It refers to rotten fruit on the ground, dried plants and vegetables and even dried and ill trees. Although people often get attached to trees, if you see that it the time has taken its toll, it is better to remove the old tree than wait for it to fall and break something or hurt someone. Also, when it comes to vegetable gardens, you should dig out all the remains of rotten onions and other plants and vegetables that grow in the ground.Garden2

Digging and enriching

Once our garden is cleaned, you can move to the digging part. When it comes to decorative and plant gardens, it is not necessary to dig them every year, but the vegetable ones need digging every fall. Fall is perfect for digging because the vegetative period is over and winter colds still have not arrived. As the digging is done with, you can start enriching the soil with manure and compost. These two masses serve as food for soil and they are going to help the soil get ready for the next sowing season, i.e. spring.


Protective layers

Fall prepares nature for winter. As winter is coming, Starks from The Game of Thrones like to point out, plants need a protective layer. So, if you want a rich and green lawn in April and May, you need to cover it with mulch in September (in the northern hemisphere). By doing so, you are going preserve the quality of the soil, which means that your investments in spring are going to be much lower. Mulch will help the soil keep all its qualities and protect it from the frost and low temperatures.

Gardens in fall are like your private open-air markets and once you see and taste the results of a half-a-year long effort, you can happily do the garden fall works, sit back and wait for spring to start it all over again.

Author’s bio: Dan Radak is VPS security and Hosting generaly specialist. Currently employed as a consultant in Landscape Design Sydney. Lately he is interested in landscape architecture. You can reach him on Twitter.

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