Indoor bonsai trees are the favorites of many across the world.

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Bonsai refers to being planted in one container in Japanese. This adorable tree can add to the aesthetics of your home. Moreover, it can be your little companion for several years. You can find indoor bonsai trees for sale.

Bonsai trees have the potential to live for a long time. Their life span can last for many years. Some of the oldest bonsai trees are over 150 years at the least and above 1000 years at the peak. Indoor bonsai trees can also live for multiple years. Their life expectancy depends on your care.  

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Are you planning to get your first indoor bonsai? Looking after an indoor bonsai tree may seem overwhelming for beginners. However, it is not as challenging as it seems. Read on to know how to care for your indoor bonsai tree as a beginner. 

Position it Right

The first step is to check which location is the best for the bonsai. It is essential to know which type of bonsai you are looking after. The most common ones are Palm, Ficus, and Jade bonsai trees. 

Indoor bonsai is typically a subtropical species. It can live at a stable temperature with ease. Make sure to keep it away from any direct heat source. Additionally, the humidity of the location must be sufficient. It keeps the soil moist. 

A bonsai also requires adequate sunlight to thrive. It is the tree’s primary source of making nutrients. Make sure to place your indoor bonsai tree near a window. It enables the bonsai to receive direct exposure to sunlight. 

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You can also place the tree at a three or four-foot height. Position it over a bench or table for better viewing. It enables you to notice any signs of weakness quicker. Moreover, you can appreciate its company whenever it meets your eye.

Proper Watering

Most bonsai trees die because of insufficient water supply. Make sure to water your bonsai correctly. Since the indoor bonsai’s soil layer is shallow, it can dry out quicker. The need of each tree may differ according to its type, size, and soil condition. As a beginner, it can be challenging to get it right.

Fortunately, your bonsai shows signs if it receives less or excess water. Make sure to saturate its root system. You can check this by watering it till the water escapes from its draining holes. Ensure to water it once or twice during the day. This rule generally applies to most indoor bonsai trees. 

However, check that you do not over-water the tree. Water it only when you see that the soil is turning dry. 

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Efficient Fertilizing

An indoor bonsai tree needs fertilization for healthy growth. Since it grows in a small pot, its nutrient supply will soon exhaust. It will soon grow weak and may eventually die. By feeding the bonsai with fertilizers, you ensure to take care of its nutrient intake. 

Make sure to fertilize in small quantities, as excessive fertilization can also damage the tree. The frequency also matters. You can give fertilizers to your indoor bonsai periodically. Follow the fertilizer’s instructions to give your tree sufficient quantity at the right time. 

You can choose mineral or organic fertilizers. Liquid fertilizers are usually the best for indoor bonsai trees. 

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Pruning can help to maintain the compact shape of your bonsai tree. Additionally, it also encourages new growth by strengthening the tree. By cutting the young leaves and shoots, you can give it better exposure to sunlight and air.

Typically, an indoor bonsai tree requires pruning when new growth morphs its shape. Use the right tools such as bonsai scissors, a leaf trimmer, and a wire cutter to prune and trim your bonsai. With practice, you will soon ace the art of pruning a bonsai.

However, make sure not to eliminate all the new growth. Excess pruning may cause permanent damage to the bonsai.


Repotting your indoor bonsai after a particular time is essential. Generally, you have to do it every two years for a growing tree. For a mature indoor bonsai, repotting may be necessary every three years or more. 

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Check if its roots are circling its pot. It is an indicator that the tree needs repotting. Repotting allows the bonsai to thrive in fresh soil. Remove the tree along with the soil carefully. Trim the roots and put them into a new pot. You can add fresh soil around its root mass. 

Growing an indoor bonsai calls for proper care and attention. For beginners, it can take some time to get the method right. Make sure to follow the above care guide to grow beautiful and healthy bonsai. Once you get it right, you can buy more indoor bonsai trees for sale. 

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