Are you looking to attract a younger workforce? Millennials were once thought of as lazy and fickle, but these days businesses are starting to realize just how valuable they can be. Despite the perceived misconceptions, millennial workers can actually be some of the hardest working staff you’ll ever employ. They also deliver numerous benefits to your business.

However, as valuable as millennials can be for your company, it’s not always easy to convince them to work for you. The younger generation has far more options available to them, making them a little pickier about where they work. So, how can you design your business to attract millennial employees?

Freshen up your workplace

The standard dull office design is no longer considered enough for picky millennials. These days, younger workers are attracted to businesses which offer a fresh, modern and productive work environment. They particularly look out for open, collaborative office design.

If you take a look at the working environment at some of the leading companies today, you’ll quickly see they offer a fun, modern and innovative working environment to keep their workers happy and more productive.  

Focus on becoming greener

As well as ensuring your office design is millennial-friendly, another important factor the younger generation look out for is eco-friendliness. If you want to attract millennial workers, you, therefore, need to show that your business is doing its part for the environment.

You can do this in numerous ways. First and foremost, it’s a good idea to set up a waste management system. Companies such as First Mile , can help businesses to set up an efficient recycling policy, enabling them to recycle up to 90% of their waste.

Offer plenty of opportunity for career progression

The workplace has changed dramatically over the years. These days, jobs aren’t typically offered for life. There’s also a lot of competition out there, so millennials know they have choices in where they work. This means they’re going to need a reason to choose your business over your competitors. One perk that will definitely help is career progression.

Making sure younger workers have plenty of opportunities to progress in their career is going to help to build up loyalty and attract more talented workers.

Overall, millennial workers are much pickier about where they work. So, it’s important to make sure you’re following the tips above to attract the younger generation to your company.

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