New York is a tough crowd to please. Placing your house on the New York market will be tough. The competition is fierce and you need to step up your game. But, don’t be afraid. There are ways you can move your way to the top in real estate. Here is what you can do.
- Clean, clean, clean…
This is essential if you want to make your house representable. You don’t want to be showing the customers rooms full of dust and spider webs. Take out everything you don’t need and declutter. Throw away, recycle or donate things. Also, focus on cleaning your storage place because it might be a big thing you your customers. You don’t want to make your first impression bad, you won’t get another one.
- Increase the value
By increasing the value of your home, you’ll attract more buyers. How to do that? Well, renovating is key. You don’t have to do major changes. You can go for small changes that will make a lot of difference. Fix the things first that are old. If you need a new sink, get one. If you need new windows, go for it. Also, a great idea is renovating the patio to give your home value even more. Everybody likes a good patio to relax.
- Inform thy neighbor
Whether you like your neighbors or not, inform them of selling your house. They have to be kept in the loop on any buyers start asking questions. Wouldn’t you want to know what kind of neighbors will you end up with when you’re buying a new home? Especially, in NYC and with 8,500,000 people, you have to find the right crowd to fit in. That’s why it’s smart to inform your neighbors on upcoming guests. They might make their place looking nice as well.
- Millennials are the best buyers
There are more and more millennials entering the market right now. More and more young adults are coming to NYC to work or to study. That’s why it’s important to give them a good offer and you will sell your house like hot cakes. What they might be looking for is the points of interest around your house. Tell them which coffee houses, stores, restaurants etc. are in the surrounding areas. Also, since millennials are obsessed with technology. Try installing solar panels for ensuring them that will save some coins on bills.
- Repaint Your Walls
Painting your house will be a lifesaver when you’re trying to sell your house on the NY market. Adding a fresh coat of paint to your walls will make the buyer want your house even more. Painting your walls will be good for the aesthetics and the overall condition. Your walls have been through a lot. You don’t want to send your house with your kids’ fingerprints on it or oil prints from the cooking incident you had. Let the buyers put their own history on the walls.
Hire a remodeling company that will help you with upgrading your apartment.
- Video advertising
Take advantage of digital marketing and record a video tour of your home. Post it online to reach more people. Recording a video will increase your chances of selling. Also, the customers will get a preview of the house without leaving the door. If your property is massive, try filming the video with a drone. It will show your house and also the area around it.
- Make them an offer they can’t refuse
Nobody can turn down a good offer. Do research on what your competitors offer and adjust your offer accordingly. If you want to make sure you hit bullseye, consult with a realtor. Make sure you don’t scare the customers with high and unrealistic prices. You want to make sales but you don’t want to overdo it.
- Stage Your Home
You don’t have to stage your rooms if you already have the furniture. But, if you already moved to another place and you rooms are empty, stage your home or hire someone do it for you. Make sure your rooms are designed nicely. Your customers will have more insight on what the place will look like as soon as they move in their own furniture. Visuals are extremely important when it comes to houses in NYC.
For some Basement Remodeling, click on the link.
- Schedule an open house
Open houses are a great option when you’re planning to sell your house. It gives the buyers opportunity to see the place up front and make them feel welcomed. Online ads are great but for some they can be distant. Leave a big sign or post an ad to attract more buyers. For the right buyer, you might close a deal after the first open house. Before you start your open house, make sure your house is clean and presentable.
Either way, don’t sell your house in bad shape. You have to make your house attractive. Follow these steps and you might sell your house to the highest bidder. Good luck!
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