Sometimes you might wish to decorate your home with more than just a layer of paint. Although carefully selected paint color scheme might do wonders for every room and create a completely new energy flow, sometimes it’s just not enough. People have craved to personalize their places of living since the earliest days. By making pieces of art on your walls, not only will you express your passion but also save money and have fun all the way. Here are some effective and easy-to-make ideas for decoration.

The best thing about these art pieces is that they need not match your furniture. Sometimes different themes and styles work together marvelously and create a cohesive whole. For each of these art projects you’ll need a plain canvas which can be bought at crafts stores.

Floral Quotes

For this project you’ll need to paint a few newspaper sheets with a subtle coat of black watercolor paint. Once you have torn these sheets into strips and decoupage onto canvas, cut out the flowers shapes and use double-stick tape to paste them to canvas. Then paint the canvas surface with gray acrylic paint and remove flower shapes together with the tape. Now you can paint flowers with light gray shade of acrylic paint so that the words strike through. Between the flowers, you can add strips of water color painted paper with printed words, like positive messages or favorite quotes.

Wild GraphicsOld-Paint

This one is fairly easy to do, and yet effective and eye catching. Take two canvases and paint them white. Set them side to side and coat one side of a yardstick in thick layer of dark color. Press the stick onto the canvases so it gets across both of them and repeat the process by repainting the stick and laying it in other directions each time. Have fun while you are moving canvases to another position and apply different colors till you make a perfect graphics.

Quotes and PostersArt-Walls

This project is music and movie fans’ favorite. You can combine lyrics to your favorite song or movie quotes in heavy dark print and graphic motif that complements it. This canvas works great with Vintage Movie Poster Canvas Prints that can be ordered from a number of online retailers like Blue Horizon Prints. You can add the third dimension by adding a picture ledge which can store some of fan items or collectibles.

New Life of Old Paint

In this technique you can use dried paint skins peeled form old paint tubes, palettes, brushes, drop cloths and all sorts of paint tools. Begin with painting canvas with several shades of green acrylic paint. You can achieve mottled effect by changing the layer thickness. By using decoupage technique, paste these paint scraps onto the canvas and let them dry. Frame the canvass with some wood scrapings.

Raindrops Falling on my Head

Like the flowery decorations, this DIY project starts by painting canvas with metallic spray paint. While it dries, dilute pearly or metallic acrylic crafts paint with water, until you get silvery liquid. By varying concentration of paint, create two or three colors and load each into empty shampoo bottles. Now this is the fun part. Lean the canvas at a steep angle and put newspaper underneath to catch excess paint. Squeeze the first color along the top canvas edge, so it runs down the canvas, creating unique patterns. Once it dries flip the canvas vertically and repeat the process with remaining colors.

Author’s bio: Dan Radak is VPS security and Hosting generaly specialist. Currently employed as a consultant in couple of Web Hosting companies. Lately, he is interested in home decoration. You can reach him on Twitter.

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