We ran across this fantastic sofa design envisioned by French designer Marc Venot for Flown and we decided to share it with you because it seemed so innovative and beautiful. Modern, vibrantly colored, curvaceous, with a very light aspect, this crib-like couch really creates a kind of micro architecture inside our homes’ decor.

The Elevate Seating, as it is called, has been designed around the evocative panel of the airplane, which is a very special piece of material formerly used to cover the inside of a long distance plane. With the typical windows through many of us admired the earth from the sky perpective, and soft and comfortable cushioned seat, this lounge style seating gives a little of that magical and mysterious feelings the plane brings. The interesting contrast between a strong, smooth exterior and a cozy-looking interior of this sofa design make it even attractive as a piece of furniture.



 Photos © Flown

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