PDFBear has been the problem solver platform we visit when encountering Portable Document Format or PDF problems. This online platform has been the go-to website we use as we face your PDF’s problems and needs. But little did you know that PDFBear also has online tools to help you organize your PDF file better.

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In this article, we will be discussing the top three online tools that you should be familiar with if you are using PDF in your daily activity. This will help you have a more organized PDF file and have more convenient handling of them.

Image by Thought Catalog from Pixabay

Delete PDF Pages

To be able to delete PDF pages in your PDF files. You will need the help of a third-party tool like PDFBear to be able to configure a PDF file. Most of the deleted pages from their PDF files are deleting the unnecessary contents they have received from the sender. Another common reason is deleting a mistake that you only recently discovered.

When Deleting pages from your PDF file, the first thing you need to do is visit their website and click on the online tool “Delete PDF Pages” as you are moved into a new page where you can start using their online tool, you can simply follow the steps provided in order to proceed without any confusion. Here is an example of what you should do when using their online tool.

  • Upload the document or documents.
  • Select the pages that you want to remove from the original PDF file.
  • Once you are done and satisfied with the pages that you have selected, click on “Apply Changes.”
  • Lastly, click the “Download” button for you to transfer your new PDF file into your storage.
Image by Aldo Rafael GutiƩrrez from Pixabay

The original copy will still be available in your storage as you are merely uploading a copy into their system. If you are satisfied with the newly converted PDF file, you can also delete the original copy to save up some space in your storage.

Merge PDF Files

Merging PDF files is one of the life hacks you should learn if you are handling PDF files. When you are merging your PDF files, you are also decluttering the display on your desktop. It will allow you to have a cleaner and easily find the online document quicker, which can result in more productivity.

Merging PDF files is mainly used by many individuals to gather or compile certain PDF files that have the same purpose or topics. This can be a great help for the recipient of your PDF file to have a more convenient way of reading through your PDF file. The recipient won’t need to transfer from one PDF file to another in order to read all of the information.

This can also be a great way if you want to print out a huge amount of PDF files. This will allow for the printer to print continuously without opening different PDF files. If you are wondering how to use the online tool “Merge PDF,” here is a quick step-by-step guide to making your life easier.

Image by evrywheremedia from Pixabay
  • Select the documents that you want to merge in the first place.
  • Combine or Merge the documents into one.
  • Modify the necessary changes that you want to be done in your PDF file.
  • Click “Download” to transfer your merged PDF file into your preferred storage.

Split PDF Files

Suppose you can merge your PDF files into one. You should also be able to split your PDF files into individual pages. This online tool is mainly used to extract the details from the received PDF file. When you are splitting your PDF files into half or individual pages, it allows you to delete the unwanted pages, which can result in you having more storage space for other online activities.

This can also be a great way to directly read the important information from your PDF file as you have already deleted the unnecessary information in your PDF file. Here is how you can use “Split PDF” for your PDF files.

Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay
  • Upload your documents.
  • Select the pages you want to split.
  • Click on “Refine” if you are satisfied.
  • Download to your storage.


There are a lot of ways on how you can make your PDF file better. These top three examples of online tools from PDFBear are just a glimpse of how vast their platform can help you in terms of services and online tools that they are offering.

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