Your house is the place that provides you utmost comfort when you are tired or even ill. To let your houses keep doing that, it is very important that you prevent accumulation of nasty dirt and filth. Some people find it a taxing task, when in reality it is not. All you have to do is take some time out every day and bring to use some simple techniques and your problem is solved.

When holiday season is approaching, your home cleaning is rather an important task. Here are some tips that will help you build a clean and germ-free environment for your home:

Regular use of disinfectants

You cannot see an infection causing agent unless it is as big as some insect. So the question here is ‘how to combat the growth of such infectious germs?’. Here is a simple solution; all you have to do is to use disinfectants every day with your regular home cleaning.

There are several disinfectants available in the market. If you are confused with the assortment, just ask the floor manager of the store to help you pick the best one. You have to understand that for an odourless and sanitised home, you will need such a solution that is meant to fight infection-causing agents breeding inside your home.

Avoid building up of moisture

Wherever you have a buildup of moisture, you will see fungus, insects and bacteria creating a home for themselves. If this happens, be assured that your house in not a safe place to live in.

Moisture is one of the root causes of eruption of unsanitary conditions; conditions that bring massive diseases and enormous infections. Now that you know buildup of moisture can be harmful, you have to make sure that your bathrooms, kitchen sinks, basement and attic are kept free from moisture.

Pay special attention to nooks and corners

Nooks and corners are the areas of your home that often get ignored and rodents are clever enough to take advantage of that. Most of you put your concentration into making your home look apparently clean, turning a blind eye towards the hide-outs for insects and other vermins. This is where the real problems start.

While you are focussing on keeping your bedding free of dust and living area completely clutter free, there is a pest infestation taking place in ignored corners. You have to be very considerate about keeping these nooks rodent free as these rodents are hosts to invisible germs and parasites.

Take some time out to clean curtains, ceiling fans and stuff toys

In a home that is all shiny and sparkling, dirty ceiling fans, curtains and stuff toys are like a blot. While cleaning your homes most of you fail to understand that things like ceiling fans and curtains also suffer dirt accumulation. When they do, they automatically add to the growth of unsanitized surroundings. So you need to take some time out in a week to vacuum clean your ceiling fans, curtains and stuff toys.

Keep your bathrooms and kitchen clean

Most of you don’t know that your bathrooms and kitchen are areas that experience maximum germ infestation. So you must keep these parts of your home perfectly clean. A systematic cleaning approach for these areas can keep them totally safe. Make sure that you use disinfectants while wiping off your kitchen and bathroom floor and shelves. A regular use of citrus like lime juice or vinegar can be of help at times.

Day to day cleaning and waste disposal

Home cleaning can look like a mammoth task if you are ignoring to exercise an organized, day to day waste disposal practice. Remember, your home cleaning is not a one day task. Most rubbish removal Sydney-based experts advise to put in sincere efforts and that too on a daily basis. Only this way you can keep your home free from germs and unnecessary dirt accumulation.


You are already vulnerable to catching infections from your surroundings. This being the case, you cannot afford to let germs breed in your own houses. So you have to be very careful about home cleanliness and sanitation. This holiday season, take a pledge to keep your houses germ and infection free.

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