In architecture exist many simulations  for take one decision about the future real project ,we need to make more effort to put in expose the future aspect about technical and design aspect details.  In fact is the concept for each project, the concept must to be the best and the one for put in work and in reality a amazing architecture design, in SOFIA KARO MULTIFUNCTIONAL MASTERPLAN BY ZAHA HADID ARCHITECTS increase the architecture limits whit a great Multifunctional Master plan, a functional peripheral center. 

In forward we have description from source site:

Sofia, Bulgaria

Multi-functional peripheral centre

Our master planning vision for this multi-functional peripheral centre is to condense the building mass and compact it in a square frame in the central area of the site.

The Masterplan is treated simultaneously as one building and as a constellation of buildings.  The compaction of the building mass allows us to deliver an urban density found in much larger metropolitan centres, with much the same character of buildings.

The issue here is of course to generate a strong coherent identity and outward image for the multifunctional center, while at the same time instigate the generative principles that would facilitate the process of development in inviting stakeholders to engage in public private partnerships.  In achieving a competent collaborative process in both a managerial and investment level we aim to reinforce the process of growing the architectural fabric that would produce exciting formal coincidences and synergies.

We look to develop a set of non traditional criteria for the buildings and the intermittent public spaces.  These criteria, at once formal, environmental and per-formative, are generated by computer algorithms that analyse and simulate the environmental data and the composition of the master-planning pattern. These algorithms may be given to the developers, architects and other stakeholders of the project as guidelines and tools for the generation of exciting and competent build forms. The success of the master plan depends on the synergy between the parts to share the cost and the provision of the infrastructure.

DESIGN DIRECTOR: Christos Passas
URBAN PLANNING/ POLICY CONSULTANT: Larry Barth (Architectural Association)
PROJECT TEAM: Susanne Lettau (Urban Planner), Marie-Perrine Placais, Vincent Nowak, Anna Papachristoforou, Thomas Frings, Irene Guerra, Dimitris Akritopoulos, Hussam Chakouf ,Reza Esmaeeli, Javier Ernesto Lebie, Bence Pap, Matthew Richardson, Ivan Ucros, Margarita Valova, Leo Wu
ENVIRONMENTAL AND TRAFFIC ENGINEERING:  Alan Fogerty and Carolina Condeco/ Cundall UK


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