Exciting and different of any other architectural project I’ve seen so far, a work of art indeed that fits very very well with the Danish museum theme, the art. Olafur Eliasson’s urban facilities are questioning both real and imagined limits. Your Rainbow Panorama, as it is called, is a new permanent architectural work created by Danish-Icelandic artist Olafur Eliasson and it was opened  on 28th May 2011 at ARoS Aarhus Kunstmuseum, Denmar.

In 2007, this project was selected from the five proposals and its goal was to convert ARoS’ rooftop surface to a unique artistic and architectural sight of international stature. The proposal creates an extremely beautiful place, which unifies the panoramic view from the roof with an exceptional artistic dimension, contributing to the development of a new understanding of the visual art interface of architecture. The realization of this unique rooftop work has been made possible through a partnership between ARoS, the municipality of Aarhus and Realdania, who financed the establishment of the project with 60 million kroner.

Olafur Eliasson describes the project in the following words: “Your rainbow panorama enters into a dialogue with the existing architecture and reinforces what is assured beforehand, that is to say the view of the city. I have created a space which virtually erases the boundaries between inside and outside – where people become a little uncertain as to whether they have stepped into a work or into part of the museum. This uncertainty is important to me, as it encourages people to think and sense beyond the limits within which they are accustomed to moving”.

Your Rainbow Panorama looks like “floating” above the roof surface of the museum and has the form of a circular walkway 150 metres in extent and three metres wide made in glass in all the colours of the spectrum. Supported on 12 columns resting on a load-distributing steel structure beneath the terrace surface,  is stabilised to resist wind pressure by being attached to the existing museum construction in four places on the roof.  For the sake of personal safety, the two layers of glass have been heat-reinforced and laminated together around the coloured sheet. It is also naturally ventilated via a controlled system of small vents that are built into the work’s floor and ceiling so that in case of fire ouside,  all the vents will be closed. During the hours of darkness, Your rainbow panorama is illuminated by means of lamps in the floor which are adjusted so that the play of colours in each section of glass will be completely in accordance with Olafur Eliasson’s wishes. Visitors to the museum have access to this great piece of architecture via stairs and elevator. There is space for altogether 290 visitors at a time on the roof terrace and 150 in Your rainbow panorama. Then they can stroll through the circular pathway which give them chance to experience in an unique way the surroundings of the city in all the colours of the rainbow.

For more information, please visit: aros, olafureliasson.

Note: all photos are linked to their original source.


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