The benefits of working with wood in home interior design

When it comes to interior design building materials, it doesn’t get much more classic and elegant than wood. For hundreds of years, it has been used to construct everything from family homes to places of business and places of worship. It’s also been a key feature of interior design, particularly when it comes to flooring. 

However, there has been a definite shift away from traditional wood recently, with many opting instead for more durable engineered woods and even metals such as aluminium. This is unfortunate, as it remains a material with natural warmth and an unpredictable character that is impossible to replicate 100%. If you are trying to find the best looking home and know you want wood, then check out some timber frame house plans. There are great designs that will still hold their value come time to sell. 
But aside from its good looks, what are the benefits of working with wood from an interior design perspective?

Strength – Whilst it’s relatively lightweight (at least compared to most metals), wood is incredibly strong and can support its own weight even better than steel. This means it is perfect for building everything from furniture to storage solutions, all of which will look natural and beautiful.

Flexibility – Unlike metal, wood can quite easily be transformed into something completely new when you’ve grown tired of one piece. There are thousands of examples online of reclaimed wood being turned into beautiful coffee tables and more ornate interior design pieces. In fact, if you head over to SGS Engineering and invest in a few decent power tools then you’ll have a material and a toolbox that is always ready for some design creativity.

Resistance – Not only is wood naturally resistant to electrical conduction but it’s also resistant to heat, which means that it will retain its stability even in the case of a fire in certain situations. Its properties also mean that it works as an absorptive material for sound – minimising reflections and echos in large rooms and spaces.

Types – There are so many different types of wood to consider, each of which will give your interior design a different feel or a different flavour. Oak is perhaps the most popular choice for interior design due to its natural beauty and hard-wearing nature. There are also over 600 different species of oak, so no one oak table will look exactly the same as another. Cedar wood and walnut wood is also typically used for  flooring and furniture, with the former boasting a distinct grain that makes it particularly attractive.

The green advantage – Finally, and perhaps most importantly, wood is a renewable material that can be regrown naturally through replanting. The processing of wood also has far fewer environmental implications than concrete or steel. Not only that but because of its natural structure, wood is more energy-efficient and will help to hold heat into a home and even regulate humidity to a small degree. It really is a natural wonder and is a material that will never go out of fashion.


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