In addition to damaging your property, pests like cockroaches, spiders, ants, and termites spread disease. Pest control services can help you get rid of these pests. To keep your house pest-free and disease-free, try these top 7 pest control tips and tricks before you hire a pest control company.

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1. Maintain a clean kitchen

Dirty, damp environments are ideal for pests. Clean the kitchen counters, racks, stovetop, and drawers to avoid pest infestation. Use a disinfectant cleaner to wipe them regularly. In addition, food particles lying around will attract more insects if they are left out in the open. You may not be able to completely eradicate the pest infestation problem with this pest control tip, but you will certainly be able to reduce the number of pests in your house. The importance of cleaning your house for is the best way.

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 2. Bathrooms should be kept clean

There are few pest control tips and tricks for bathrooms in most pest control tips for apartments. Bathrooms are also subject to the above rule.Maintain a clean and dry bathroom. Every alternate day, clean the pot with a toilet cleaner.Use a heavy-duty bathroom cleaner to clean the sink once a week.Moss should not grow on the shower curtain. Always keep the drain covered and free of hair and soap particles. For a longer period of time, these small steps will keep the bathroom hygienic and pest-free.

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3. Keep water from standing

Stagnant water is a breeding ground for pests such as mosquitoes. You should clean the area around your house and get the drains running outside your house cleaned because stagnant dirty water in the drains can cause mosquito-borne diseases like dengue and malaria. Don’t let your bathroom buckets get wet when they aren’t in use. Kitchen utensils are no different.Avoid keeping a vessel under your air conditioner if it eliminates water. If the water gets there, find an alternative, such as a pipe, to remove it. The vessel can also be emptied and cleaned every day. Keep your home absolutely free of stagnant water. The best way to get rid of these pests at home is to follow some easy home remedies.

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4. Garden maintenance

If your lawn or garden has holes or pits, fill them in. You should clean your pond or fountain regularly if you have one in your garden. Maintain a regular pruning schedule to prevent wild, bushy growths. To avoid mosquitoes, rats, and ants, maintain your garden and keep it neat and clean.

5. Keep fruits and vegetables out of the sun as long as possible

Flies and other insects are attracted to overripe fruits and vegetables. Fruits that are cut or ripe should not be kept in the fridge for too long. It is possible to get rid of some pests like fruit flies, but overripe, rotting fruits can attract bigger pests like house flies, ants and cockroaches.

6. Regularly dispose of garbage

Cleaning a kitchen after pest control is fairly simple and garbage disposal is key. It is ideal to dispose of garbage every day.

Photo by Loren Biser on Unsplash

It is possible for rats, rodents, and cockroaches to become infested when there is an accumulation of garbage. There is nothing worse than finding rotten food particles all over your house. When pets and small children are present, this can spread diseases.

7.  Externally used items should be kept outside

Photo by Jonathan Daniels on Unsplash

There is a good chance you have gardening-related furniture, shoes, buckets, and other objects if you have a kitchen garden or a lawn. Don’t use these objects indoors until they have been thoroughly cleaned.  The reason for this is that bringing them into the house may also unknowingly attract many pests. In the same way, you should not allow your kids to use battery-operated toys outdoors, such as cars and bicycles. Ask your kids not to bring them indoors and to keep them secured in the garage or any other outdoor area.

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