Why You Should Consider Antimicrobial Concrete Flooring

At a time when the COVID-19 pandemic is on everyone’s mind, more households are on the lookout for alternative ways to keep their homes safe from harmful viruses, bacteria, and harmful chemicals. It’s not just about washing our hands, following social distancing rules, wearing face coverings, and sanitizing surfaces. There’s more focus on permanent house solutions, like antimicrobial flooring. 

Antimicrobial Concrete Flooring –  Unsplash 

What is antimicrobial flooring, and how can it protect your home? Here’s what you should know and why this type of flooring would be a worthwhile investment:

What is Antimicrobial Flooring?

Antimicrobial flooring is designed with advanced technology to make sure that the flooring can combat microorganisms like bacteria, fungi, mildew, yeast, and mold from growing and spreading. Antimicrobial concrete floors use a slow-release effect to provide long-term protection for years to come. While these types of floors are widely used on surfaces in various commercial, industrial, and medical facilities, they’re becoming increasingly popular in homes.

The introduction of antimicrobial sealants has made it easy for homeowners to enjoy cleaner spaces free of contaminants. If you have concrete floors in your home and want to ensure a safer and cleaner home for your family, all you need is to have your floors patched well, ground smooth, and sealed with a quality antimicrobial sealant.

Why Consider Antimicrobial Concrete Flooring?

  • Two-in-One Protection

One of the biggest benefits of antimicrobial concrete flooring is that it creates a seamless and smoother surface. Applying the sealant on new or existing concrete slab helps create a waterproof and beautiful surface that is not only easier to clean using standard cleaning products, but also hostile to bacteria and other contaminants. This helps prevent microbial growth

For homeowners, this two-in-one level of protection makes antimicrobial flooring a perfect solution for ensuring a cleaner environment. It’s especially valuable at a time when contaminated surfaces are a known risk factor for contracting the on-going COVID-19 coronavirus. 

  • Keep Your Loved Ones Safe and Healthy

The number one concern for most families today is to ensure that everyone is staying safe and healthy amid the current pandemic. Apart from frequent cleaning and sanitizing home surfaces, there’s a growing need for longer-lasting solutions that will ensure the safety and health of the entire family, even after the pandemic is over. 

The good news is, solutions like antimicrobial flooring, offer one among many options that homeowners can choose to keep their loved ones safe and healthy. By inhibiting the growth of harmful microbes that may cause infections and disease, the antimicrobial protection on your floors puts your mind at ease by reducing the risk of cross-contamination.

  • Easy to Install and Long Lasting

Whether your concrete floors are new or old, antimicrobial sealants are easy and quick to install. By hiring experienced experts, you can expect a new and long-lasting finish on your floors. Antimicrobial flooring offers deep-sealing action, which ensures a seamless and non-porous surface for permanent waterproofing, better concrete strengthening, odorless application, and toxicologically harmless floors. 

This type of flooring solution leaves no residue on your concrete floor and doesn’t cause any discoloration. It simply becomes part of your existing floor, adding to the overall aesthetic of your interior space while making it more hygienic and inherently cleaner. Even on damaged floors, patching up can be done before the sealant is applied.


Concrete is a versatile flooring option for many homes. But if it’s not maintained or sealed properly, it can encourage the growth of harmful organisms like bacteria and mold, putting you and your family at risk of infections. To ensure safer and cleaner floors, more homeowners are opting for antimicrobial sealants to protect their floors for years to come. 


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