Most homeowners are constantly looking for novelty ways to improve each and every room in the house. And why wouldn’t they? After all, investing in your home is something that will benefit you in the long run. By far the trickiest one to rejuvenate is the bathroom, and this is why most people steer clear from this project.

Remodeling this part of the house sounds like a difficult and expensive project to take up. And while a full renovation that involves all new fixtures, rewiring and pipe repairs is indeed hard to pull off and will set you back quite a lot money-wise, there are also ways to make your bathroom feel fresh that are quick, easy and affordable.

Do-it-Yourself Ideas for Your Bathroom

The fastest way to change the face of any room in your home is to revive a few central elements. This gives the illusion that a lot more remodeling has been done, when in fact you did it all yourself. The most convenient way to do this is by using a few clever DIY tricks.

There are many ways in which you can upgrade your bathroom and make it look and feel brand new. Furthermore, there are also solutions that you can apply which will make your water consumption more reasonable overall, thus lowering costs on your monthly bills. The beauty of DIY lies in the fact that you can mix and match any elements depending on your tastes, time and budget. Here the top three most convenient ideas for your bathroom that you apply yourself.

  1. Declutter with New Shelving

Avoiding damaged stuff in your bathroom is a must if you’re looking for a way to rejuvenate the space. The best way to do this on a budget is with a few DIY shelving projects. Depending on what the overall style of the room is, you have multiple options. Perhaps the simplest one is to build a stackable plate organizing by gluing together some candle holders and plates.

Other more complicated ones, such as a mirror and cabinet combo, require a bit of woodwork. On top of that, the more complex you want your shelving to be, the more it will cost you and the more time you will spend building it. It just depends on how much storage space your bathroom needs.  

  1. Install New Lights

According to DIY Network, the best way to make any old room look fresh is to install brand new lights. The most fuss-free way to do this is to put some LED lights around your mirror for backlighting. Those look great inside glass cabinets as well, if you have any. Having lights in a key point such as the mirror brings a lot of brightness to the entire room.

You can also choose the heftier alternative and install a brand-new light fixture. This will take a bit more time, and you need to be careful because there’s electrical wiring involved, but it’s totally doable. And depending on the style of the room, you can choose something classic such as a ceiling fixture, or something fancy like a chandelier.

  1. Convert to Dual Flush

One final thing that will improve your bathroom is converting your toilet to dual flush. Buying a new one with the function already integrated is a costly endeavor, but fortunately you don’t need to do that. There are do-it-yourself kits at every hardware store that cost 25 dollars at most.

Once you’ve got the kit, installing it on your existing toilet takes one-hour tops. While this project won’t improve your bathroom aesthetically, what it will do for you is save you a lot of money on your water bill. If what you’re looking for is a complete boost, then you can also consider investing in a dual flush toilet, but keep in mind that their price varies from medium to high. Still, if you can afford it, it’s an investment that will pay for itself.  


There are many things that you can do to offer your bathroom a facelift. Taking up a DIY project that involves a slight remodel can have multiple benefits. First, the room itself will look stunning, which will change the entire overall feel of your home. Furthermore, your entire home will become more cost-effective due to reduced water and electricity consumption.

Whatever your goal may be, there are plenty of DIY ideas for your bathroom that you can choose from. If these three weren’t to your liking or didn’t suit your needs, you can always try something else.


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