For the last 10 years, solar panel projects have expanded all over the world.

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There has never been a better moment to invest in sustainable solar power for your residence or company. Solar plants in the United States are expected to treble from two million to four million by 2023, according to industry analysts.

Many types of solar panels are available today which has a significant impact on its cost of installation and manufacture, as well as its appearance on the top floor. Here, we will go through several types of solar panels with their benefits and drawbacks.

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What is solar penal?

It is a device used to gather and transmit solar energy into electricity. When Photons from the sun reach the surface of a solar panel. It expels electrons from the silicon sheet. Which generate directional current and convert into usable power.

Monocrystalline solar panels

It is the most developed and earliest form of solar panel. The solar cells are entirely constructed of silicon. These cells look black through sunlight interacting with pure silicon. The consumers may select back sheets and frames from a range of colors.


  • It is designed to work for a long time, and it can also work well in heat.
  • Most panels have a 25-year warranty however the cells can work up to 30years
  • They are speed efficient and produce excellent amount of energy in brief period
  • Due to the pyramid pattern of the cells, it can consume better solar energy


  • It is more expensive than other solar panels
  • Its better performance depends on elevated temperature
  • There are huge wastes in its manufacturing process while cutting of silicon is done 

Polycrystalline solar panels

Polycrystalline solar panels are a more recent creation, but their acceptance and efficiency are rapidly growing. The panels are made from silicon pieces. The rear frames are silver with polycrystal; however, this might vary. The cell is square in form and has no gaps between its edges. 60 solar cells are found in polycrystalline panels used in housing units.

Photo by Jeremy Bezanger on Unsplash


  • It is less costly and has less volume of silicon waste during its construction
  • It has a simple manufacturing process, moreover it has low heat tolerance
  • These solar penal are durable, longevity of the solar panels nearly three decades. Moreover it is also in the range of them who cannot afford monocrystalline
  • It results in lower utility bills than other panels


  • Its efficiency range is typically in the 13-16% due to the diminished silicon purity
  • It is not space efficient and extends to a lower range
  • It has less heat resistance capacity than the Monocrystalline and it cannot perform well in elevated temperatures

Thin-film solar panels

Thin-film solar panels, unlike monocrystalline and polycrystalline solar panels, are built of a range of materials. The most ordinary form is cadmium telluride, which features transparent conducting sheets that aid in solar collection. Amorphous silicon (a-Si) or copper indium gallium selenide can also be used to make these panels (CIGS).

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  • Costs are significantly reduced. This is not due to a lack of quality, but it needs less silicon and other materials than other projects.
  • Thin-film PV can resist greater temperatures and can operate in the shadow or in the cloud.
  • In terms of sunlight, it can operate at lower angles.


  • It is low efficient and requires more space. Most people’s roofs are small, so tripling the amount of space required for a solar project will be a challenge.
  • Its manufacturing requires a much nasty chemicals than others
  • It has a high installation price


PERC stands for “passivated emitter and rear contact”. These are made up of PERC cells, which have an extra layer on the back of regular solar cells. More light can now be caught and converted into power through these layers. A system that uses PERC modules will produce around 5% more energy than one that uses conventional modules.

Photo by Vivint Solar on Unsplash


  • Solar panels made of PERC panels may be installed on smaller rooftops.
  • This can increase power generation by up to 5% above standard panels.
  • PERC solar panels may now move ahead of the competition by offering top-of-the-line quality to their clients at a low cost.
  • PERC solar cells are comparatively simple to manufacture because manufacturers may use all the same equipment and materials to build less-efficient solar cells.


  • Due to multiple layers, its manufacturing is not smooth. It is costly and trickier than the traditional one.
  • Light-Induced Degradation (LID), it appears in all silicon solar cells, however, may be obvious in PERC cells.


As a result, you now have a good understanding of the various characteristics and benefits of the various solar panel variants available on the market. So, figure out what you need, compare prices, calculate your limit, and then pick a panel that meets your needs.

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