It is essential to use the appropriate stone benchtop cleaner to maintain the shine and ease of cleaning. A majority of the stone benchtop cleaning products are designed to be used for granite benchtops in Melbourne and a number of other cities in Australia. As a result, they feature acids, waxes and silicone that are responsible for damaging the shine.

Here is a complete guide that will help you in a big way when it comes to cleaning stone benchtops.

Make it a point to use only those stone benchtops cleaners that are:

  • Specially designed for quartz and Caesarstone
  • Doesn’t feature waxes or silicones
  • Non-acidic
  • Non-caustic
  • Non-alkaline
  • Non-bleach
  • Non-abrasive
  • Non-toxic

Why shouldn’t you use granite or marble stone benchtop cleaners?

It is water absorption or the lack of the product allowing water to be absorbed that makes quartz stone benchtops less susceptible to oil staining, etc. Comparatively, granite and marble have got a higher water absorption capacity that makes it easier to stain with oils.

Therefore, around 99% of stone benchtop cleaners in the market are only designed to be used for granite and marble benchtops. As they feature acids and waxes, they quickly penetrate into the surface of the stone benchtop. They tend to react with the natural stone to form crystalline structures. They even help in enhancing the gloss and protect the surface with waxes from wear and tear.

Using them on engineered or quartz stone benchtops can cause severe damage and void all warranties.

When it comes to benchtops, it is all about the shine. Making use of detergent and hot soapy water just doesn’t work for cleaning modern stone benchtops. Using only soap and water, and not rinsing tends to leave detergent deposits. This is why shower screens and mirrors go cloudy.

Using it to clean stone benchtops basically, results in a buildup of detergents. It makes the surface dull and leaves a streak that even attracts dust. You can see and feel the difference easily when it is cleaned with a specially formulated quartz or engineered stone benchtop cleaner.

Advantages of bringing in use modern and appropriate stone benchtop cleaner:

  • Higher gloss
  • No streaks
  • No fingerprinting
  • No newspaper ink transfer
  • Non-damaging
  • Non-acidic
  • Non-bleach

How to remove stains from stone benchtops?

Specially designed stone benchtop cleaners and stain removers lift most of the stains that others leave behind. It leaves your stone benchtop to look better for longer. It will make you feel the smoothness of a freshly polished car. Such cleaners are just perfect for removing water marks, overnight stains, curry stains, colouring in pens and paint, and old tea and coffee stains. Its proven lifting capability will eliminate stains, leaving a perfect shine.

Using the appropriate stone benchtop cleaner and stain remover

Make it a habit to clean your stone benchtops frequently using a specially designed modern quartz stone benchtop cleaner. It is quite easy to clean them with a light spray in no time and keep them looking great.

In the case of a spill on your benchtop, make it a point to clean it up right away. Don’t allow liquid to sit there for too long as it may lead to discoloration. Removing them right away reduces the difficulty in removing food stains, tea and coffee stains later on. It is advisable not to make use of any scouring pad that also includes non-scratch.

Advantages of using the appropriate stone benchtop cleaner and stain remover:

  • Easily removes stains
  • Higher gloss
  • Non-bleach
  • No damage to the shine
  • No streaks

This was your complete guide on cleaning stone benchtops. Hope you find this article informative and helpful.

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