Digital marketing makes it possible to reach an unlimited number of audience. For this reason, several big companies, entrepreneurs as well as small businesses are riding the tide to further publicize their brand and build their customer base. Banner ads are one of the biggest tools used by entrepreneurs to increase their visibility. However, there is a need to create effective banner designs.

Vinyl banners, fabric banners, mesh banners, suspended banners, there are lots of designs out there to choose from.
Although there are several benefits attached to the banner advertisement such as low running cost, increased profitability through high conversion rate. In addition, its effectiveness and efficiency can be easily measured.
However, it is necessary that you come to terms with the fact that banner advertisements can also be a waste of time, money and energy if designed or used wrongly.
In order to get the best from your banner design which will, in turn, reflect on your advertisement, here are a few tips or tricks that would come in handy for you.
Use Standard Banner Size.
Visuals play an important role in the efficiency of online or digital marketing. When designing your banner ads, you should put in mind that there are standard sizes that have been tested by marketers and have been found effective over time because their use brought about a huge turn over in terms of clicks, sales, and profitability.
As an entrepreneur whose target include getting the best out of your effort, knowledge about standard banner sizes that yield maximum result is helpful.
In addition, knowing where to place the banner will also affect your conversion rate and profitability. The table below helps to summarize the standard banner sizes as well as the suitable positions they should be placed.
Banner Size | Name | Position |
300 × 250 | Medium Rectangle | Inserted within or at the end of an article |
728 × 90 | Leader Board | Placed on top or at the end of an article |
336 × 60 | Large Rectangle | Inserted Within or at the end of an article |
300 × 600 | Half Page | Placed at the right or left corner |
Use the Right Design Element

The primary aim of creating a banner design for digital advertisement is to increase your brand broadcast. However, there are certain elements that are key and should be given top priority in your design. They are
- Company Logo: It should be smaller in size compared to the call to action and value proposition button however, it should be visible.
- Value Proposition: Not all customers are patient enough to read all the message content on your banner ad, hence your value proposition perform this task. Contents involving pay cut, bonuses as well as a direct message about your products and services should be captured effectively and take a larger size of the banner.
- Call to Action Button: You shouldn’t leave your audience without a feature to give directives about the sequential step that should be taken on your page. The call to action button is the exact element that performs this work.
Use a Bold Call to Action Button

The call to action button is a critical feature that plays a significant role in your banner design. Its importance involves increasing conversion rate, reduce customer friction rate as well as several others.
There are several tips that should be put to mind about the call to action button in order to get the best out of your call to action button.
The shape and colour of this feature are paramount hence it should be given significant attention. The reason for this is because the call to action button is what leads your audience on and hence it should be made distinctive and should pass a simple, clear cut message.
The call to action button should be made with a rectangular shape (and probably with a rounded edge). In addition, the colour should be made in contrast with other banner elements. The most effective position of this element has been researched to be the lower right side of the banner.
The specificity of the call to action button should be given top priority. A good example of a call to action that will be effective or efficient involves ‘Sign Up’, ‘Subscribe’, ‘Learn More’. The effectiveness of its simplicity is backed with the concept of keeping it short and simple.
Use the Right Colour Combinations

Digital advertising involves getting the attention of your targeted audience as well as sustaining that attention. Your audience is the primary driving force that controls the market hence you should be all out in your strategy to get their attention. However, research has shown that humans tend to be more attracted by what they see. Your choice of colour plays a significant role in your banner design.
It is also pertinent to say that colour choice is influenced by age, targeted audience as well as the brand you want to market. Younger people seem to be attracted by bright colours while the oldies seem to be more at home with cool or dark colours.
In addition, using green colour would be the best colour choice if your product involves the sale of natural products while red would be the ideal colour to indicate danger/fire services.
Create a Sense of Movement
Creativity is the meat of business. It helps you to break free from the chains of the status quo and create a new trend or path. However, the profitability creativity is closely attached to how much it is blended with the marketing messages displayed in the ads. Simply put, doing it differently is not bad, but doing it better and different is the right deal.
As an entrepreneur, catching and sustaining the attraction of your audience should come top of your strategy. It is a proven fact that animation adds an extra touch of creativity to marketing and advertising hence, using this strategy will not only help you to get your targeted audience attention but it will help sustain it.
Simplicity is the spice of digital marketing. Keep your banner simple but laced with a touch of creativity. You should also be strategic about the elements used coupled with the placement of your banner.
It is important to know that in order to make your banner ad more effective, it has to appeal to visual sight and not be hidden. In addition, there should be a corresponding match between the creativity and the marketing content.