You can save money and prevent disasters by detecting a water leak as soon as possible. The following signs indicate that you may have a leak and should contact a plumber for water leak repair services.

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You should check your water metre

When you check the water metre, you can tell if some part of your plumbing is leaking. The first step in this process is to turn off all the water in your home. All faucets should be shut off, as well as the     dishwasher and washing machine. Once the metre begins to change, keep an eye on it. A fast-moving leak is likely to occur if it does. You should check the metre again after two hours if it doesn’t change immediately. The leak may be slower even if all the water has been turned off. After the metre, or even underground, the leak could occur. Pipes after the metre are the responsibility of the homeowner.

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Analyse your usage

In order to determine if your home has a leak, check your winter water usage. You probably have a serious leak problem in your plumbing system if a family of four uses more than 12,000 gallons per month.

Keep track of your bills

Water use habits haven’t changed and your bill is consistently rising, a leak may be to blame. See if there has been a steady increase in bills over the past few months. Every month, you should expect to pay the same amount for your water bill. There may be some underground pipes in your home. It may not be possible to detect leaks in this part of your system, but you will always pay for them. Make sure all the pipes are thoroughly checked by a professional plumber.  It is important to seek professional assistance when there is a warm spot on the floor (with under slab piping) or when there is a sound of water running.

You’ll need some food colouring

It’s important to make sure your toilets are working properly, since they can consume up to 30 percent of your water. Food colouring can be added to your toilet tank to test for leaks. In this case, water is flowing from the tank to your drain without ever being flushed, causing the colour to show up in your bowl.

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Ensure exterior usage is accurate

A leak can occur outside as well as inside a home. Attach a garden hose to your outside spigots and check for leaks while the hose is running. Replace the rubber gasket on the hose and make sure all connections are tight. If you have an irrigation system, consider having it checked once a year by a professional. Almost 6,300 gallons of water are wasted every month by a system with even a small leak.

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Use common sense

Keep an eye out for any signs of mould or foul smells under cabinets and under basins: prompt attention could save you thousands in repairs. If you suspect your home has leaks or potential problems, consider having a professional plumber inspect it every year.

Your plumbing system may be approaching the end of its lifespan if your home is over 25 years old.  For signs of slow leaks, check all accessible connections at the water heater, pumps, washing machine hoses, and valves.   

Call a professional right away if you suspect your plumbing system has a leak. Waiting until it gets worse will result in a real mess!

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