Since Covid, Media Streaming Services have seen an upthrust in terms of revenue and terms of viewers and subscribers.
Photo by Juan Ordonez on Unsplash
Media Streaming is one of the fastest-growing industries in the entertainment sector.
While during Covid old TV shows like F.R.I.E.N.D.S. have gained attention and have released another season; some theatre releases are trying to gain their audience back.

Since the situation is yet normal, you should stay indoors and keep yourself entertained with some enhanced in-home cinema experience. After you have subscribed to some of the other Media Streaming Platforms you can try out the following ways to enhance your in-home cinema experience for unlimited fun.
Some Ways To Enhance The Indoor Cinema Experience
The biggest grief after subscribing to a service is not being able to access Geo-restricted content. So the solution is to use VPNs like NordVPN for Netflix.
Based on your requirements you can choose the perfect VPN for yourself. VPN not only provides access, but it provides privacy and security too, which is a must.
Now, as we can stream without restrictions, here are some hacks you can use to make the streaming experience even better.

Turn Off Motion Smoothing
If you are into movies or have friends who are suckers for the authentic cinema experience, you’ve probably noticed them decreasing the unnecessary motion smoothing effect.
Motion Smoothing effect just adds more frames in-between frames to make the video more smooth which makes it, if not exactly, somewhat like a soap opera. Maybe that’s why it is called the “Soap Opera Effect”.
Adjust Your TV Settings
To Enjoy the same quality as you see in theatres, you must check the color balance, saturation, contrast, brightness, etc. on your TV. This might sound intimidating but isn’t as complicated as it sounds. No doubt you’ll have to have some patience while setting but it’s going to be worth it.

Have A Good Internet Connection
While planning to stream and not considering a good Internet Connection as a priority is a sacrilege. All your streaming experience is predominantly based on the Internet connection you have. Likely, no one would like to complete a three hours movie in five hours because of buffering. So, before you move ahead with the betterment of your cinema experience, make sure you have an impeccable Internet Connection.
Use Sound Bars Or Home Theatres
The most crucial factor of differences in theatre and home experience is Sound. Theatres have a large screen and number of speakers to make sure the same good quality sound reaches all the audiences.
However, with a good Internet Connection, great visuals, and an amazing movie playing on the screen having low sound or not HD enough is disappointing. Just one Sound Bar or a Home Theatre depending on your budget can do the job. So unless it is a Charlie Chaplin show, better go and find one little upgrade that can make your home cinema experience glamorous.

Decrease The Light Outside Your TV
Very simple but crucial and efficient. Decrease the amount of light in your room. Close the windows, shut your blinds so that the room is closest to being pitch dark.
If you’ve been to theatres you must have noticed, once the movie starts the hall gets dark, dark enough that you can’t see the guy next to you. So, it makes sense to close your door and windows to have a proper theatre feel.
Rearrange Your furniture
One way to watch a movie comfortably and with your family sitting close to each other is to rearrange the furniture. This won’t take more than 10 minutes and will make you feel cozy while enjoying the cinema at the ease of your couch.
Even though we are stuck in this Lockdown, the Video Streaming service has evolved enough to make it possible to get a theatre-like experience at home.
By implementing these simple changes in your entertainment space, you can bring a great difference to the quality of your cinema experience.