When we want to speak about architecture, Dubai has ingenious ideas with an open mind in the architecture for future, Discus Water Hotel will be a spaceship shaped building perched half water half above water.

Hotel in Water Discus includes two discs, one of which is under water and the other which is above water, this ingenious combination allows visitors to admire both parts, deep ocean environment and environment above the water, these two parts of this structure are concentrated in 5 solid feet and a vertical cylinder containing an elevator and a staircase, this size of each disk was adjusted to local conditions.
This hotel can be framed in futuristic architectural ideas yet bizarre, underwater hotel is a challenge for modern architecture, the idea of being able to look at underwater life while sitting in bed arouses great interest.

  • Underwater hotel section it is situated 10 meters deep and have 21 rooms of the hotel adjacent to the dive center.
  • A special lighting system will illuminate flora and outside environment and a high technology system allows you to zoom in on images give water to attract attention.

DOT designers Deep Ocean Technology hope this hotel will satisfy the deep water exploitation interest by tourists.











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