Shifting from a place to entirely another location is a huge decision. Especially if the move involves family and kids. We are sure it took you months of deliberation and then working upon the logistics to finally reach the stage that you are in. As such, we believe that you have given things enough thought and finally decided that the migration would be the best for your future and also for that of the family. While you are at it, always ensure to check the security and economic conditions prior to your migration to any new place – these should play a significant role in your decision-making process.

Now comes the part that involves your family as a whole – communication of the decision. It is best handled in a family meeting where even the tiniest member of the family would (and should!) get a scope to have questions and doubts answered and cleared. Yes, we understand, (even) you have a lot of questions and doubts in your mind. After all, it is going to be all new for you too! But you are the one who is the decision maker – so you should be ready to shoulder the responsibility of a smooth passage for you and your family.

- Immediate checklist after migrating to a new place!
Migration is a huge decision – both for your professional and personal fronts. Naturally it requires tonnes of planning and actions. Your task list starts right from home even before the move — some essential and basic tasks like booking a cab from the airport to your destination should be done when back at home. Other important steps such as hiring services from Oakville real estate agents like Reimax realty Corp., and deciding which place would be best to stay should be done immediately finalised. It is best to start the process before the big move, and then seal the deal once you reach the new place. For other tips and tricks to take the stress out of the moving process, read on!
1. Weather awareness — Be informed about the weather conditions of the place you’re migrating to, especially when you’re migrating to a new country altogether. Purchase the right gears that would see you through in those climatic conditions. For example, if you’re not used to extreme cold, getting the heavy coats and long boots to combat the heavy snowfall and black ice is a must.
2. Rent or buy a property — If you are planning for a long term or permanent migration, you should be already having some information on real estate agents and rates, and also the good localities to settle down in. Now, when you have landed, prefer checking with the brokers and visit the place. Do all the essential inquiries about the location of the place, the condition of the place to be rented or bought and also the rates of the place. If possible, stay as a paying guest temporarily before deciding on a property. Be double sure also of the legalities and terms and conditions involved.
3. Important SOS services in neighbourhood — It is vitally important to keep a track about police stations, fire stations, hospitals and educational institutions around your new home. You should also note the timings, along with the address and contact numbers of the same.

4. Malls and eateries — You can’t go hungry. Neither can you sustain on takeaways for too long. Get to know the places to buy your staples from, and also eateries that would take care of your hunger pangs while you settle down in your new place. Once you get a grip, you would be able to create the magic of your comfort food even miles away from homeland.

5. Be aware of the locality and the day to day happenings around you —Imagine prediction of a natural calamity that would shut down life as you know it! Or a planned electricity outage for some repair work! How about the local crime scenes or even petty thefts?! Knowledge gives you the power to tackle. So be informed. Talk to locals at grocery stores and fuel stations, cabbies and even your real estate agent and neighbours. Follow the local news bulletins, read the local newspaper or browse about the local news in the web.

Finally, double check that all your documents are in order for a smooth transition from one place to another – this is the basic and perhaps the most important requirement. Good luck making the new country your home away from homeland!