The destruction of the environment has already taken a toll on the social and economic activities undertaken globally.
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At the center of this are the harsh consequences due to cutting down of trees. Cutting down trees brings a lot of harm to the environment and the community. It is therefore critical that the problem is addressed and viable and sustainable solutions are presented.

In the UK, the government, the private sector and the individuals have made a spirited attempt to promote the habit of tree planting. Schools have been at the forefront of the same with set times to plant trees. Companies such as Eden Horticultural Ltd and have made an effort to take part in tree planting as a service to the clients and the nation.

Reducing Pollution and Absorbing Carbon Dioxide
The best decision that the current generation can do is to make decisions based on the need to be sensitive to the future generation. Generations which invest in their environment have a lot to gain from it. Lungs are very important to human beings because they ensure that one breathes in oxygen, and breathe out carbon dioxide. Similarly, trees play a critical role in cleaning the air that we breathe.
Trees store carbon, and therefore help in combating climate change. The implication is that heavy rain can be slowed down and the incidences of flooding can be reduced. In addition to that, tree planting controls and reduces soil erosion.
The good thing with tree planting is that it is not an expensive endavour. One just needs very little money and time.
Source of Medicine
Whereas modern medical practice is able to produce medicine synthetically, a significant number of medical products are sourced from trees. Historically, the seeds, fruits, barks, leaves, and roots, have been used as medicinal remedies. An increasing number of UK residents use herbal supplements.
With the professional and social commitments observed in the UK, you have to set apart time which you can use for your leisure activities. Taking time under trees helps in reducing stress and anxiety. Trees are known for their unique aesthetics. It has been noted that trees can encourage an individual to carry out outdoor exercise.

When you get involved in tree planting in your neighbourhood, you will be forming strong bonds with your neighbours. In connection to this, you are going to promote a sense of unity with the community. In addition to that, during tree planting, you are going to learn a lot about tree species.
Trees provide shading, and here, one can rest. This is more useful during the summer months where temperatures could be unbearable.

It is your responsibility to take party in tree planting. You can do this as an individual, or you can join a group. It is time to take action and not just making commitments. Overall, through tree planting UK, you are going to make planet earth healthier and greener.