For some people, decorating your home comes naturally. You just have an eye for detail, and eye for what complements one another, and an eye for simply what works. For others, though, decorating can be a challenge, and one small mistake can turn an attractive look into something you’re embarrassed to show off. If you’re just beginning to decorate your home, or if decorating just isn’t in your blood, here are six beginner tips for decorating your home that will make the entire process easier on you.

  1. Pick a style or theme.

Your home should have one overall style or theme that is consistent from room to room. For instance, you cannot go French style in the living room and then futuristic Jetsons in the kitchen—it simply won’t work! Instead, think of the style that you absolutely love and then use that to start decorating your home. This way, you will have an idea of what colors, furniture, and other décor items would make sense for your space, and you’ll be able to narrow down your options so you’re not so overwhelmed.

  1. Choose complimentary colors.

Your walls are going to say a lot for the look of your room, so you want to make sure you’re picking complimentary colors and not just sticking to one solid look. For instance, lighter colors will make a space feel bigger, but you can always compliment that color with one wall that’s painted darker. This creates and abstract in the home but helps give the room some character. Most paint companies will offer you swatches of what colors work well together. This way you don’t have to try and figure it all out on your own.

  1. Test the paint first.

Before you buy gallons of paint in a color you love from a swatch you saw at a paint store, you should first buy a sample of the paint and use it on a wall in your home. You’ll be surprised at how much a color can change from a paint swatch to a full wall, and you may just find that you don’t like the way it looks when it’s there. Doing it this way will save you from overspending and will help you make the right overall decision.

  1. Think functionality.

When it comes to putting your furniture in your space, you should first think about what’s functional. For instance, if your living space is tiny, then opting for an oversized sectional may not be the best idea. Instead, try to focus on what would work in the space from a functional level. Obviously, you don’t want to overcrowd your space with too much furniture, and you don’t want to pick something that simply doesn’t work with the flow of your home. Using a virtual room app can help you find the best layout of your space without the physical activity of moving your furniture around.

  1. Don’t overdo it.

When you have a theme or style for your home, it’s also important not to overdo it. For instance, if you have a love for pigs, putting pigs all over your home is not the best move to make. After all, chances are you make get sick of it after a while, and then you’ll just be starting from scratch. If you have a theme for your home, be sure the décor pieces are subtle so that it adds to the space but doesn’t overwhelm those who step inside. Visiting this home décor blog will help you fine-tune your decorating skills and make the most of your space.

  1. Keep patterns simple.

Once you land on a color, you’ll have other items you’ll need to choose, such as couches, chairs, rugs, curtains, etc. All of these items will have colors or patterns of their own, and this is where design can become overwhelming and troublesome. When it comes to patterns, you want to keep things simple. For instance, if your couch has a pattern on it, you want to use solid colors for your rug and your curtains. If you have too many different patterns happening in one room, it will create an uneven balance that simply doesn’t work in your favor.

Decorating your home doesn’t have to be stressful or complicated. Instead, if you start slowly and learn the basics, you’ll have an easier time finding what works best for your space and what compliments your style.

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