Choosing to fill your residential space with one of a kind furniture will prove of great value over time. A beautiful collection of items will complete your carefully designed spaces. Take for example these original looking set of chairs that can add loads of personality to interior designs.

Born out of creative textile designer Esther Yaloz’s passion for prints with flowers and Botanical images, Memory Chair highlights the attention to detail and fine woodwork. Perfect for traditional home designs, the upholstered Memory Chair displays an elegant appearance that offers warmth and classical comfort. Its uniqueness consists of hand-printed cotton fabric with heat-sensitive pigments.



How is that works? Well, their uphostery’s color changes in response to their surroundings: when cold or at room temperature, the chairs have a dark shade color and when heated their color changes to a lighter shade. Besides that, the seats’ uphostery reveals also a spacial print when they are warmed by the light entering through the windows. Their wooden frame made in Italy brings an appealing vintage touch to their design. Memory chairs where made specially for an exhibition at pradigma design gallery.







Photos: © Esther Yaloz.

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