A home is a sweet home even if it’s a rental! You daily read numerous blogs on home décor ideas and the hacks of renovating your home beautifully. And those enticing home décor hacks and numerous pictures in the magazines are too tempting – and you itch to try! But alas, you haven’t got your own home and your rental property is all you have! That’s when you think about some good ideas that can work even in your rented properties.

But when it’s a rented property, you couldn’t expand your expenses and even your hands are tied to a great extent because of those clauses in the contract with the landlord. But even within these limits, you can stretch a little and have some beautiful decoration done in your interiors. But before you shout yippee, do contact your landlord and discuss your ideas and seek permission before starting the renovations.

  •   From bore to bright rented home!

Not all rented homes are decorated nicely. And living in such premises can be gloomy. So, you could instead try and spruce up even your rented home in a pleasant way and make your living space better by following the below mentioned quick tips: 

o   Get the windows treated — If you aren’t happy with the old, stereotypical window blinds, you can simply replace them with Venetian blinds. Also, chuck the old curtains and have your favourite colour hung here. But don’t throw the previous one, as you may need to put it up when you leave the place. 

o   Change the wall presentation— Most of the rented houses are pleasantly painted, but these colours are often too bland and plain. You could ask your landlord and contact good painters in Auckland like Kowhai Painters who do the entire beautifying job perfectly within your budget. Also, if you want to add a temporary wallpaper, even that’s a great option. Also, if adding wall stickers is your preference, then it’s the best way to add positivity on your walls creatively.

o   Add the greens — Greens have the power to enhance the beauty of any space. Add some ornamental and organic growth of lush greenery in your kitchen, living room, balconies and make your rented home decorative and fresh. 

o   Increase the storage — The common issue of any rented place is less storage. And you may have been tired of imitating those DIY hacks for your storage needs. What you can do here is get those cupboards and multipurpose living solutions like sofa cum bed or tables with drawers to increase your storage. And if you choose the same in good colours, then it would be even more amazing. 

o   Add some artwork — Most landlords aren’t keen about their tenants digging holes in their properties. So, if you want to add some artwork on your walls, you can try the self-adhesive art paintings or simply keep those alluring décor items on your table or mantle.

o   Glam up the floors — If you can’t bear the old, worn out floor of your rented place, then you can place new carpets or simply use lots of good rugs – the best thing is you can take them wherever you go.

Did you just jump out of your bed ready to try these ways to glam up your rented property? Well, then start the good work — but let’s remind you again, confirm the same with your landlord first. 

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