These original looking family of objects with eye-catching and playful design is created by Jonathan Honvoh and Rodrigue Strouwen from Belgium-based design studio Twodesigners, two designers that share  a graphic vision of design and a passion for street art, making multifunctional and modular works that tell stories. Kork tables, chairs and lighting are really some appealing interior design elements that for sure eco-friendly enthusiasts will love them. Made from recycled cork waste production of wine stoppers, each piece has its own identity both on functional and visual level due to a clever combination between different elements.

Gaining in popularity in recent years in design and architecture, cork is an innovative, eco-friendly and sustainable material with a lesser impact on the environment, harvested  from the cork oak forests of South Africa and Europe. As an impermeable, fire resistant and elastic material, cork has many advantages both in the production and in use, allowing for connections without adhesives or screws. So, their concept relies on combining a metal hooping with two basic cork pieces, resulting a multitude of possible assemblies. Very creative, what do you think?





Photos © Germain Ozer, Rodrigue Strouwen, Damien Aresta and Jonathan Honvoh

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