Whether you’re designing for an office space or your own home, there is inspiration to be found in wide abundance in just about every area of life, from the natural world to the sprawling suburban communities society has built. If you’re planning an interior design project and feeling low on ideas, here are a few great places to start looking for that much-needed inspiration.

Wallpaper Ideas

Wallpaper is one of the fundamental components of some interior design projects, and you can surprisingly find inspiration for your wallpaper in a place that you might not have thought of. For example, what about wallpaper inspired by dress patterns? You might have noticed just how classy some dress patterns are after browsing https://adressyoccasion.com/ or flipping through a fashion magazine. You can take those same beautiful patterns and create wallpaper designs that impress and give you the same sense of comfort as a terrific dress pattern.

Product Pictures

Interior design usually combines color and form, and nothing is as vibrant or well-organized into a recognizable form than a good product photograph. Even if the picture is just of a plate of food, you’re getting color ideas that came from the mind of a professional marketer who has no knowledge of what looks good and appealing to the human eye.

Fashion Photography

Need color patterns for throw pillows or shelving vignettes? The fascinating world of color photography can come to the rescue with a batch of fashion photographs. Pictures themselves a rich source of interior decorating ideas. Videos of a modeling show might even show you some color patterns and patterns that you’ve never seen before. Whatever kind of decorating you’re doing, fashion is always closely related to interior design in terms of ideas.

Natural Wonders

If you’re at a loss for ideas, maybe a walk through nature could be your ticket to some fascinating patterns and colors. The natural world itself is a rich area for interior decorating inspiration, as it has some of the most elegant and vibrant of all colors. Not only that but walking itself is terrific exercise and can open up your mind and get those good old endorphins pumping so that you can be in a better mood for creating. If you’re short on ideas, hit a walking trail and take in the sights. You might just find your next great interior decorating inspiration.

Old Magazines

If you’re one of those decorators that might not be happy with contemporary interior design, you might want to grab a stash of old magazines and see how people were decorating in, for example, the 1950s and early 60s. By absorbing past interior decorating trends, you might be able to combine it with your other sources of inspiration to create a truly unique interior decorating scheme for your home or office. And even though it’s for decorating purposes, you might grab a few historical tidbits that refresh your mind and get you in the mood to create something.

Interior design is part hard work and part art, and it’s the hard work part that might turn out to be the easiest part. It’s finding inspiration that will sometimes be too difficult to tackle, so anywhere you can get fresh ideas for interior decorating, it’s a positive thing. Whether you’re pre-project or actively in the middle of an interior decorating project, you’re going to always benefit from fresh inspiration, and all of the resources here might give you some great ideas during those inevitable moments when you’re low on motivation.

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