Have you always wanted an interior design in your home that resembles the lovely era of the 1920s and 1930s? If so, what has been holding you back? Most likely, it is either the cost of the antique furniture or that you are afraid that you and your kids, and maybe even possibly your pets, will end up destroying the furniture. 

This is not to say that you are unable to care for furniture. It is just that some of the furniture pieces can be so fragile, that you may not ever really want anyone sitting on the chairs or couches anyways. You might also be concerned about the amount of money that you will have invested in the furniture from that time period. Whether you are trying to transform your entire house into a home that resembles the years long gone, or you are just redecorating a few rooms like that, you are bound to spend a pretty penny.

Check Out Some Major Retailers For Furniture

Do not make the mistake of assuming that big retailers, such as Bernhardt Furniture, are not going to have the style that you are looking for. Since many of the looks from the 1920s and the 1930s are coming back into style, many furniture designers are taking note. They are recreating some of the looks that you love. So what does this mean for you?

It means that you are going to be able to get the look that you have always admired in older home and in the pictures you have seen of a time when things seemed a little more classy. However, the furniture will not be as fragile as the used furniture from that period of time. The pieces will be built well and you will not have to spend an arm and a leg to get them.

Add Accent Pieces From That Era

If you are set on having some legit antiques from the 1920s or 1930s, you might want to stick with collecting decorations or various accent pieces that will really add to the feel of the room that you are trying to go for. Since you will not have to worry as much about people making direct contact with your antique decorations, as you would with couches and chairs, you can afford to put a little more money into those items.

Consider Adding Wallpaper

Wallpaper covered just about every room of a home back in the 20s and 30s. Therefore, you might want to add some wallpaper in the rooms you are trying to give a more retro look. If you are totally against adding wallpaper to each wall, you could always select one wall that will serve as an accent wall. This could be the wall behind your couch, for example.

When it comes to the selection of wallpaper, you will want to be very careful. Anything that is too modern looking will throw the whole retro vibe off. Specifically look for wallpaper designs that were made to mimic the types of designs that would have been on walls during that time. Then again, you could always look for antique wallpaper that was originally created back during the time you are trying to capture in your home. Of course, you will want to keep in mind that if you were to find antique wall paper for your home, you will need to be prepared to pay a considerable amount more than for newly manufactured wallpaper. Just make sure that you are getting clear instructions on how to properly handle and apply the antique wallpaper to your walls. This way, you will not have to worry about it coming down, ripping apart, or simply looking misshapen.

With all of those points taken into consideration, you should now be able to see how you can transform one room or even your entire home into something from the 1920s or 1930s. If you need a little extra assistance, you could always hire an interior designer who specializes in such designs.


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